Search for tag: "arts"

James Madison Program First Year Orientation 2024

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 4 plays

Opening Exercises Class of 2028

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 3 plays

Great Minds Matter: Western Civilization and the Liberal Arts with Ben Sasse

On May 24, 2024, the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions hosted a Princeton University Reunions event with Ben Sasse, President of the University of Florida and former…

From  James Madison Program James Madison Program 0 likes 180 plays

Faber Lecture (2024) - Kurt Smolak - "Flentem Dicere Verum" On non-satirical Latin Satires

From  Classics Classics SCAD 0 likes 5 plays

Juggling Risks: Transforming Risks at Trenton Circus Squad, Cherry Wei Ge, UG '24 (746F90B3)

In the social sciences, the literature on risk has largely been focused on the neoliberal bent with which we approach the concept. I want to complicate that picture by introducing the ethnographic…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 134 plays

Curator Conversation A Most Unusual Qur an

From  Laura Morreale 0 likes 10 plays

Curator Conversation: A Most Unusual Qur an

From  Laura Morreale 0 likes 2 plays

Freeing the Mind: What Truly Matters in a Princeton Education - Sanjeev Kulkarni and Robert George

What’s the point of a Princeton education? What is liberal arts learning all about? How can students make the most of opportunities afforded to them by liberal arts colleges and universities?…

From  James Madison Program James Madison Program 0 likes 68 plays

2023 Gillett G. Griffin Memorial Lecture featuring Antonio Martorell

For the 2023 Gillett G. Griffin Memorial Lecture, artist, painter, graphic designer, set designer, illustrator, and writer, Antonio Martorell discusses artworks in response to the ills of colonial…

From  PU Princeton University Library 0 likes 99 plays

Global Existential Challenges The Art of Domination and Resistance

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 26 plays

TigerTalks in the City: Innovations in Arts Accessibility

This extraordinary panel of Princetonians committed to disability justice and enhancing accessibility in the arts explored the advances to which our community has contributed. Kay Gayner '86, is…

From  PEC PEC Events 0 likes 13 plays

Uncovering the Allure of the Young Adult Novel, Louisa Sarofim, UG (2766680)

My presentation uses natural language processing tools to analyze 10,000 lines of reviews of young adult novels from Goodreads. With this method, I hope to gain further insight into why people enjoy…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 217 plays

Are Asian Americans People of Color? Reimagining Asian American Ethnic Identity and Forging Cross-Racial Solidarity with Black Americans, Zi Liu, UG '24 (2280004)

Are Asian Americans people of color? At the outset of his most famous 1903 essay, W.E.B. Du Bois writes: “the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line.” But in…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 418 plays

Shouts & Murmurs: A Gendered Study of Sonic Suspensions in the 19th Century Novel, Clara McWeeny, UG '25 (2770242)

When considering moments of auditory focus in the 19th century novel, rarely does one stop to consider the sonic attention paid to instances of direct speech. Readers instead find their preoccupation…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 91 plays

ADAMANDI: A Dark Academia Horror Musical, Mel Hornyak, UG '23 and Elliot Lee, UG '23 (2264585)

Adamandi: A Latin verb that can mean 'of loving,' but also 'of coveting' and 'of obsessing.' Academia is defined by blurring the boundaries between these concepts, and…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 4 likes 89 plays

Remembering Ice: A Photographic Journey through Southern Patagonia’s Vanishing Glaciers, Will Hartman, UG '25, Jack Green, UG '24, Michael Salama, UG '24, Byron Zhang UG '23 (2768711)

The Southern Patagonian Ice Field (SPIF) in Argentina and Chile is the second-largest extrapolar ice field in the world and a critical region for understanding the impacts of climate change on alpine…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 68 likes 716 plays