Search for tag: "rule"

Bradlyn, Barry, 6 December 2024, "Density response, sum rules, and quantum geometry"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 0 plays

Edwards, Scandal at SainteCroix

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From  Laura Morreale 0 likes 35 plays

Having Connections––Roots of the Pare Pare System on Guam, Seyoung Choung, UG '25 (219D978E)

“Having Connections––Roots of the Pare Pare System on Guam” seeks to explore the historical roots of the ‘pare pare system’ on Guam, an island in the Marianas…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 42 plays

Curator Conversation A Most Unusual Qur an

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From  Laura Morreale 0 likes 15 plays

Curator Conversation: A Most Unusual Qur an

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From  Laura Morreale 0 likes 3 plays

Working with Minors Training Tutorial by Daniel Alber - Pace Center for Civic Engagement

Designed for those who volunteer with projects that work with minors, this mandatory training session will include an overview of the new university policy, interactive activities, best practices for…

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From  Lydia Owens 0 likes 39 plays

20240111_Events101_Travel program

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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 2 plays

CITP Seminar Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius - Digital Discrimination and the Law in Europe

Organizations can use computers or AI to make decisions about people: digital differentiation. For example, insurers can adjust prices to consumers, and the government can use AI-driven analysis to…

From  CI Center for Information Technology Policy 0 likes 82 plays

Opening Plenary Session: Dealing with Debt: Reflections on the Inter-American Development Bank’s Flagship Report

Debtcon6: Opening Plenary Session SpeakersMODERATOR: Lee C. Buchheit, University of Edinburgh and Queen Mary University, London Monica de Bolle, Peterson Institute for International Economics Deborah…

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From  Jennifer Bolton 0 likes 97 plays

How much can you gain by cheating in a Tournament?, Sacheth Sathyanarayanan, GS (2277180)

A (round-robin) tournament consists of n teams playing all possible matches. A Tournament Rule takes as input the results of a tournament and (possibly randomly) selects a ranking of teams, with a…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 111 plays

“Thorns of the White Saffron”—A study of Political Polarization in India and the US, Aly Rashid, UG '26 (3993447)

The growing degree of political polarization across the world which has yielded power to increasingly nationalistic leaders. How large of a threat does political polarization pose to modern…

+27 More
From  Research Princeton Research Day 5 likes 97 plays

Bradford Seminar: "America’s Energy Gamble: People, Economy and Planet"

Shanti Gamper-Rabindran will discuss the major points from her new book, “America’s Energy Gamble: People, Economy and Planet,” which dissects the Trump administration’s…

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 10 plays

1.14 Journey of the Soul, Knowing our Reality

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From  ORL Office of Religious Life 0 likes 1 plays

1.5 Commentary on Imam al Haddads Book of Assistance

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From  ORL Office of Religious Life 0 likes 10 plays

The Reconciling of Public Policy: A Political Development and Institutional Analysis of Reconciliation and its Impact on Policy, Christian Potter, UG '22 (3964342)

This thesis represents the first large-scale analysis of budget reconciliation in decades. Through an American Political Development lens, I argue that budget reconciliation, initially legislated in…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 41 plays

What Does It Mean to Interpret the Constitution?

Do Supreme Court justices really just call balls and strikes, or are the Court’s decisions merely politics by another name? When we read that judges are originalists or favor a living…

From  James Madison Program James Madison Program 0 likes 206 plays