Search for tag: "change"

Wrathall, David, May 21, 2024, "Modeling Future Climate Refugees: On Habitability, Dispossession and Transformation

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 4 plays

Fussell, Elizabeth, May 21, 2024, "Commentary: The Nexus of Data, Models, Normative Theorizing, and Policymaking"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 7 plays

Thornton, Fanny - May 21, 2024_"What Space for Human Rights Law in Climate -Linked Displacement?

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 2 plays

Boas, Ingrid, May 21, 2024, "Lecture"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 6 plays

Panel Session Q and A, May 21, 2024 "The Nexus of Data, Models, Normative Theorizing and Policy Making"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 4 plays

Vinke, Kira, May 20, 2024, "Interrogating Climate (Im-)Mobilities"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 5 plays

Farbotko, Carol, May 20, 2024, "Indigenous Mobilities in a Changing Climate: The Vaitupu-Kiga Migration Route"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 3 plays

Panel Q and A, May 20, 2024, "Power, Justice & Community Collaboration"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 1 plays

Ajibade, Jola, May 20, 2024, "Commentary on Power, Justice, & Community Collaboration"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 27 plays

Unlocking Sustainable Cultural Transitions, Kelly Finke, GS (2CD1CD4B)

Combating climate change will require sweeping cultural transitions towards sustainable lifestyles and societies. However, clear pathways to achieve global behavior change are severely lacking,…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 8 likes 138 plays

Is it an Animal?: Reconstructing Ancient Fossils with Machine Learning, Advik Eswaran, UG '27 (7B7798F6)

My research project was on generating a 3D reconstruction of ancient fossils (565 million years old) from Siberia. Working with over 2000 cross-sectional images of the fossil sample, which is encased…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 10 likes 86 plays

DNA Methylation and Hibernation Timing in Yellow-bellied Marmots (Marmota flaviventris), Colby McArthur, UG '24 (0C5F0113)

Yellow-bellied marmots are a hibernating species of rodent in the Rocky Mountains whose hibernation emergence has become earlier as climate change makes snow melt earlier. This gives them more time…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 28 plays

How Climate Change Affects the Resilience of Future Renewable Energy Systems, Luo Xu, Postdoctoral Research Associate (7EAE9015)

Climate change is no longer a distant threat but a present reality, with a 78% rise in weather-related power outages in the U.S. over the past decade. Our high-resolution analysis of power outage…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 31 plays

Fiber Formation Based on Nonequilibrated Aqueous Two-phase Systems, Maria Luisa Parada, UG '26 (751583FB)

Liquid-liquid phase separation is a fascinating and ever-evolving phenomenon that has captured renewed attention, particularly in the fields of biology and material synthesis. Our focus has been on…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 32 plays

Grass-Roof Homes as Grassroots Hubs: Intentional Communities on the Frontlines of Sustainability Policy in the U.S. and Canada, Jasper Lydon, UG '24 (857A4A4F)

Amid America’s growing social and environmental sustainability crisis, this thesis brings a new possibility to policymakers. Collective residential cooperatives, commonly called Intentional…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 4 likes 52 plays

The Basis of Hurricane-Induced Performance in a Lizard, Princeton Vaughn, GS (C885856D)

Hurricanes are devastatingly powerful storms and are only becoming more common and intense as climate change progresses. In addition to billions of dollars in damage each year, these storms alter…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 123 plays