Search for tag: "land"
The Just Data Lab Presents: The Phoenix of Gaza - December 6, 2024“Phoenix of Gaza: From Freedom Dreams to Falasteen Futures” Symposium + Exhibit held at Princeton University on Dec 5 - 6, 2024. Visit for more information and to…
From aas21 African American Studies
51 plays
EEB 522 Seminar Series - Kristin LairdeEEB 522 Seminar Series Colloquium on the Biology of Populations Presented by Kristin Lairde "Conservation and management of polar bears in a warming Arctic"
From EEB Media
6 plays
EEB 522 Seminar Series | Alejandra EcheverriEEB 522 Seminar Series Colloquium on the Biology of Populations Presented by Alejandra Echeverri "Conserving Wildlife and Human Cultures"
From EEB Media
3 plays
Virtual Artist Conversation | Under a Southern Star: Identity and Environment in Australian PhotographyJoin us for a virtual conversation with three contemporary Australian artists featured in Under a Southern Star: Identity and Environment in Australian Photography: Judith Nangala Crispin, Vee…
From puamlive Princeton University Art Museum Online
27 plays
The History of Mpala Research Centre and Its Impact on Science and Local Communities, Katie Rohrbaugh, UG '24 (53E7F75E)This project aims to analyze the historical development of Mpala Research Centre, an ecological research institution located in Laikipia County, Kenya, and connect it to broader historical trends at…
From Research Princeton Research Day
89 plays
The Barriers We Build To Quality Schools: An Optimization Study of Zoning and School Inequality, Olivia Cao, UG '24 (1DA5FB37)Despite the recognized importance of education, quality education is not accessible to everyone in the United States due to barriers created by housing, which are maintained by practices such as…
From Research Princeton Research Day
54 plays