Search for tag: "strategies"

De-extinction as a Practical Tool for Conservation: An Ecological and Economic Argument, Sunrit Panda, UG '25 (435397B5)

This paper explores the feasibility and implications of using de-extinction technology as a tool for conservation. De-extinction presents a novel approach to restoring species that have been lost to…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 59 plays

Examining the role of the vaginal microbiome in preterm birth to improve interventions for women’s health, Cecilia H. Kim, UG '23 (2264415)

Preterm birth is an urgent public health problem with an incidence rate of 10% worldwide. The vaginal tract of cisgender women of reproductive age harbors a complex community of microbes that make up…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 5 likes 110 plays

Bradford Seminar: "America’s Energy Gamble: People, Economy and Planet"

Shanti Gamper-Rabindran will discuss the major points from her new book, “America’s Energy Gamble: People, Economy and Planet,” which dissects the Trump administration’s…

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 10 plays

Motivated Reasoning: facts do care about your feelings, Jeffery Chen, UG '25 (3939095)

With America divided as ever, people from state governments to households have asked themselves: "Why can’t we change their minds?" In FRS 193: Belief and Ideology, I researched why…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 5 likes 251 plays

Developing a Theoretical Model to Advertise Cultured Meat to the Orthodox Jewish Community: An Analysis of Manischewitz Matzah and Plant-Based Meat Advertising as Case Studies, Alexandra Orbuch, UG '25 (3961415)

Although machine-made Matzah, the unleavened bread ritually eaten on the Passover holiday, was first met with pushback from the Orthodox Jewish community as an alternative to traditional handmade…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 19 plays

Coffee with ORPA: ERA: Agreements - 3/17/22

From  Maureen Thompson-Siegel 0 likes 5 plays

The Evolution of Repressive Policing in Algeria.

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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 8 plays

PU Town Hall 09212021

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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 38 plays

How Are You Learning?_Research-Based Strategies for Princeton Academics FSI Workshop Summer 2021

Princeton’s new and unfamiliar ways of teaching, instructional materials, assignments, and tests require new learning and time management strategies in order to learn, succeed and maintain…

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From  Nic Voge 0 likes 27 plays

Managing Your Reading Assignments More Effectively & Efficiently

Reading intensive courses like HUM 250 (WOK) at Princeton are quite demanding--requiring you to read and learn from challenging texts in new and different ways. In this workshop learn strategies and…

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From  Nic Voge 0 likes 57 plays

May 19, 2021 McGraw MCAT Prep Strategies 101 Workshop

Develop a study plan for the MCAT with Nathan Suek ’17, a current Columbia Medical Student who has developed and taught an MCAT prep course for over three years

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From  Nic Voge 0 likes 14 plays

McGraw MCAT Prep workshop with Nathan_Suek Oct162020

Develop a study plan for the MCAT with Nathan Suek ’17, a current Columbia Medical Student who has developed and taught an MCAT prep course for over three years

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From  Nic Voge 0 likes 23 plays

Bradford Seminar Series: "Cities on the Climate Frontlines: Evaluating Urban Climate Change and Policy Responses"

Angel Hsu, assistant professor of public policy and the environment, ecology and energy program at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, will present “Cities on the Climate Frontlines:…

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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 8 plays

February 19, 2021 McGraw Workshop:Time Management Strategies: Creating a Structured AND Flexible Routine

Try out proven practical techniques and tools for managing your days and weeks. Develop course-specific weekly learning cycles so that you can manage time, allocate tasks, and learn efficiently in…

From  Nic Voge 0 likes 80 plays

February 25 McGraw Workshop: 7 well-being habits for highly productive students

Do you feel that you lack the willpower or ability to stick to any habit that the internet or a particular influencer has convinced you is life-changing? Especially given the our current situation,…

From  Nic Voge 0 likes 22 plays

February 8, 2021: Mapping Your Semester for Balance & Success: A Key Time Management Strategy For Thriving at Princeton

Map out your semester from the very start! Balance academics with everything else Princeton has to offer. Analyze the biggest organizational and time management challenges at Princeton—so you…

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From  Nic Voge 1 likes 48 plays