Creating an efficient, customized study plan will help you tackle the MCAT while managing your other responsibilities. Spend an hour with us to start the planning process now to save many hours…
March 21st, 2023 Speaker
Kate Fukawa-Connelly (director, HPA) with guest Nelson Chow '23 (premed and Learning Consultant, McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning) Department
Health Professions Advising Location
Online - Zoom and In-Person @ HPA
In this “how to” session, a panel of four Princeton faculty shared practical advice as they described their implementation of alternative grading approaches in their classes, designed to…
October 6th, 2021 Speaker
Yael Niv, Stacy Wolf, Barbara A. White, Basile Baudez, Shirley Wang Department
McGraw Center Location
This Princeton Distress and Awareness Training was provided by Dr. Calvin Chin, director of Princeton's Counseling and Psychological Services, on Sept. 30, 2021.
September 30th, 2021 Speaker
Calvin Chin Department
Counseling and Psychological Services Location
McGraw Center (virtual)
Princeton’s new and unfamiliar ways of teaching, instructional
materials, assignments, and tests require new learning and time management
strategies in order to learn, succeed and maintain…
July 23rd, 2021 Speaker
Nic Voge Department
McGraw Center for Teaching & Learning Location
Reading intensive courses like HUM 250 (WOK) at Princeton are quite demanding--requiring you to read and learn from challenging texts in new and different ways. In this workshop learn strategies and…
July 19th, 2021 Speaker
Nic Voge Department
McGraw Center for Teaching & Learning Location
Develop a study plan for the MCAT with Nathan
Suek ’17, a current Columbia Medical Student who has developed and
taught an MCAT prep course for over three years
October 16th, 2020 Speaker
Nathan Suek '17 Department
McGraw Center for Teaching & Learning Location
Try out proven practical techniques and tools for managing your days and weeks. Develop course-specific weekly learning cycles so that you can manage time, allocate tasks, and learn efficiently in…
February 19th, 2021 Speaker
Nic Voge Department
McGraw Center for Teaching & Learning Location
Do you feel that you lack the willpower or ability to stick to any habit that the internet or a particular influencer has convinced you is life-changing? Especially given the our current situation,…
February 25th, 2021 Speaker
Francesca Tang Department
McGraw Center for Teaching & Learning Location
interactive workshop will focus on methods for strategizing to
complete Dean's Date assignments efficiently and prepare for exams
effectively. Come get your questions answered about…
November 30th, 2020 Speaker
Nic Voge Department
McGraw Center for Teaching & Learning Location
Cumulative finals pose unique challenges for managing and studying lots of information from multiple sources, remembering what you study, and being able to access and use what we learned on demand…
December 4th, 2020 Speaker
Nic Voge Department
McGraw Center For Teaching & Learning Location
Experimental research has identified a set
of guiding principles of learning that can make students studying more
effective and efficient. In this workshop you will learn about these
November 18th, 2020 Speaker
Nic Voge Department
McGraw Center for Teaching & Learning Location
Having to do all of your learning online, do you have an even harder time staying engaged and interested in class and with the material you study on your own? There are actually effective ways to…
November 11th, 2020 Speaker
Francesca Tang Department
McGraw Center for Teaching & Learning Location
No matter how your midterm week went, this workshop is designed to help you learn from your experience so as to finish the semester strong. Reflect on and analyze what’s working—and…
October 28th, 2020 Speaker
Nic Voge Department
McGraw Center for Teaching & Learning Location
No matter how your midterm week went, this
workshop is designed to help you learn from your experience so as to finish the
semester strong.
Join this roundtable discussion about what’s…
October 26th, 2020 Speaker
Nic Voge, Alec Dun Department
McGraw Center for Teaching & Learning & Athletics Location
Try out proven practical techniques and tools. Develop course-specific weekly learning cycles so that you can manage time, allocate tasks and learn efficiently. Find
out about fundamental…
October 23rd, 2020 Speaker
Nic Voge Department
McGraw Center for Teaching & Learning Location
In high school most students focused on completing
their math and other problem-solving assignments, and didn’t emphasize
learning FROM these problems. Learning how to solve problems…
October 21st, 2020 Speaker
Nic Voge Department
McGraw Center for Teaching & Learning Location