Search for tag: "content"
Emotional Manipulation in the Era of Misinformation: Investigating the Interplay of Emotions, Fake News, and Social Media Algorithms, Anjali Kapoor, UG '24 (EB8536AD)Fake news can have extremely harmful effects on society, such as increasing polarization, instilling distrust in the media and government, inciting violence, andencouraging dangerous health…
From Research Princeton Research Day
124 plays
Textual and Critical Analysis of a Video Game Series Through Interactive Data Visualization, Tri Giao Vu Dinh, UG '24 (DD456A5A)In this project, I combine quantitative, statistical, and algorithmic methods from different disciplines of study to perform critical analysis on the in-game textual content of the Fire Emblem video…
From Research Princeton Research Day
33 plays
| A User-Defined Tool for Rules-Based Feed Curation in Decentralized Social Media, Emmy Song, UG '24 (97A88AEF)We introduce, a client application for decentralized social media that enables users to configure the algorithm that controls their feeds. Mastodon has become one of the leading…
From Research Princeton Research Day
58 plays
CITP Lecture: Manoel Horta Ribeiro - Content Curation in Online PlatformsOnline platforms like Facebook, Wikipedia, Amazon, and LinkedIn are embedded in the very fabric of our society. They “curate content”: moderate, recommend, and monetize it, and, in doing…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
9 plays
CITP Seminar Brooke Erin Duffy - Visibility in the Creator Economy: Navigating the Promises and Precarities of Platform LaborAmid mounting legal and financial strife, mainstream platform companies—from Meta and YouTube to TikTok and Twitch–are doubling down on their idealistic framing of the digital…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
11 plays
CITP Virtual Seminar Miranda Bogen-Closing the Gap: Navigating Complexities and Contradictions In the Mitigation of Algorithmic BiasDozens of policy proposals and interventions have attempted to address actual and potential cases of algorithmic bias, particularly in systems that have consequential effects on people’s lives.…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
1 plays
CITP Seminar: Danaë Metaxa – The Future of Algorithm Auditing is SociotechnicalAlgorithm audits are powerful tools for studying black-box systems without direct knowledge of those systems’ inner workings. While they have been effectively deployed to identify harms and…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
10 plays
A Summer Class Exploring Computer Science with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students ISLAND 2023The purpose of this research project was to design, deliver, and assess the content and methodology of an introductory course focused on the block-based coding language, Scratch, for educators of…
From Mary Albert
14 plays
CITP Seminar: Surya Mattu - Breaking The Black Box: How CITP’s Digital Witness Lab Uses Data-Driven Investigations to Expose Surveillance and MisinformationThe CITP Digital Witness Lab is a research initiative that collects data to expose surveillance, misinformation, and other harms on digital platforms. We build independent, public, and open-source…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
2 plays
OURSIP Intern - Laiba AliUnderstanding Users' Expectations of Federated Social Media Feed Curation Advised by: Prof. Andrés Monroy-Hernández, Computer ScienceYuhan Liu, Computer Science
From our Undergraduate Research
23 plays
Violence, Ethics, and Social Media, Jeffery Chen, UG '25 (2765310)For many of us, social media is an integral part of our everyday lives. But the ramifications of social media can go beyond just an unfunny post or angry response; on more than one occasion, social…
From Research Princeton Research Day
75 plays