Search for tag: "attention"
ReMatch+ Intern - Jack ThompsonStrange Loops in Attention Schema Theory Advised by:Michael Graziano, Princeton Neuroscience Institute Kirsten Ziman, Princeton Neuroscience Institute
From our Undergraduate Research
18 plays
Inoculating Belief: Tracing Vaccine Hesitancy and Decision-Making in Muslim America, Aisha F Chebbi, UG '24 (3F6DE991)This research project seeks to explore vaccine hesitancy among Muslims living in the United States. Its purpose is part of a series of work aiming to expand the visibility of Muslim-American…
From Research Princeton Research Day
80 plays
De-extinction as a Practical Tool for Conservation: An Ecological and Economic Argument, Sunrit Panda, UG '25 (435397B5)This paper explores the feasibility and implications of using de-extinction technology as a tool for conservation. De-extinction presents a novel approach to restoring species that have been lost to…
From Research Princeton Research Day
60 plays
Shocking Changes: Using NLP to Understand the Effect of Geopolitical Risk on American Interest in Battery Recycling, Chase Magnano, UG '25 (23F76E3D)American dependence on battery technology has exploded in recent years and continues to grow rapidly. However, America is almost entirely dependent on imports for critical minerals required to make…
From Research Princeton Research Day
103 plays
CITP Lecture: Manoel Horta Ribeiro - Content Curation in Online PlatformsOnline platforms like Facebook, Wikipedia, Amazon, and LinkedIn are embedded in the very fabric of our society. They “curate content”: moderate, recommend, and monetize it, and, in doing…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
9 plays
CITP Seminar Brooke Erin Duffy - Visibility in the Creator Economy: Navigating the Promises and Precarities of Platform LaborAmid mounting legal and financial strife, mainstream platform companies—from Meta and YouTube to TikTok and Twitch–are doubling down on their idealistic framing of the digital…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
11 plays
James Madison Program: "A Little Lower than the Angels: What the American Founders Learned about Human Nature from Adam Smith"After surveying the historical evidence for Adam Smith's influence on James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams, this lecture will consider ways in which the founders' nuanced view of…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
70 plays
Enabling Compact Fusion by High-Temperature Superconductor, Siwei Chen, PD (4586699)Fusion energy is the future of green energy and promises to revolutionize the way we power our world. It has the potential to provide a nearly limitless source of clean energy with zero emissions and…
From Research Princeton Research Day
153 plays
Reel-to-Reel Characterization of REBCO High-Temperature Superconductor: Towards Stable and Reliable High-Temperature Superconducting Magnets, Yi Li, GS (4422902)High-temperature superconductor (HTS) is an enabling technology for ultra-high-field magnets and compact fusion reactors. In recent years, rare earth-barium-copper-oxide (REBCO) coated conductor…
From Research Princeton Research Day
150 plays