Search for tag: "balance"
OURSIP Intern - Kaya UnalmisOptimizing stellarators for better equilibria through the addition of physics objectives to DESC Mentors: Dr. Egemen Kolemen, MAE Daniel Dudt, Rory Conlin, Dario Panici, MAE
From our Undergraduate Research
49 plays
JIW Finance Non Domestic Companies Data ResourcesVideo from Barbara Coffey, Finance Research Librarian. Features helpful resources for Economics students completing their Junior Independent Work.
From PU Princeton University Library
12 plays
McGraw Workshop October 23 Time Management For Balance & SuccessTry out proven practical techniques and tools. Develop course-specific weekly learning cycles so that you can manage time, allocate tasks and learn efficiently. Find out about fundamental…
From Nic Voge
73 plays
Optimizing Irrigation Under Multiple ObjectivesIn many regions of the world, irrigation is vital to food security and agricultural productivity. Prudent management of irrigation systems and water use becomes paramount under a probable scenario of…
From Research Princeton Research Day
32 plays
How tiny particles in the atmosphere change temperature, rainfall, and the transport of heatAtmospheric and Oceanic Studies graduate student Ilissa Ocko presents her research on the ways in which the aerosols sulfate and black carbon have affected earth’s temperature, precipitation,…
From Alumni Education
61 plays