Search for tag: "hours"
Rematch+ Intern - Manuel Garcia San MillanNudges Against Procrastination in Social Media Advised by:Linda Ouyang, Economics
From our Undergraduate Research
20 plays
OURSIP Intern - Haya ElamirInvestigating Bacterial Composition and Spatial Separation in the Mouse Small Intestine Advised by: Dr. John Brooks II, Molecular Biology Ciara Sanders, Molecular Biology
From our Undergraduate Research
8 plays
Rescript: an AI-powered Government News Monitoring System, Nikhil Ajjarapu, UG '24 (79BBD471)Congress spends close to 10,000 hours holding meetings meetings and debates where they form public policy. These meetings are especially important to organizations and businesses, who need to stay on…
From Research Princeton Research Day
112 plays
Linking Sleep & Gut Health: Circadian Rhythms in Antimicrobial Proteins, Talia Akoh-Arrey, GS (C00AC432)Shift work, which refers to work schedules outside the hours of 7AM and 6PM, is a global practice employed in several industries. While being an essential part of the workforce, decades of research…
From Research Princeton Research Day
61 plays
First-Year Families Weekend: "Academic Advising Panel" (10.1.2023)Panel Discussion: Academic Pathways and Academic Advising at Princeton. A student panel of Peer Academic Advisers (PAAs) will discuss the range of academic pathways through Princeton and the role of…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
10 plays
TigerSafe Reel 5: What to Do if You're Locked OutTigerSafe has lots of useful information in case you get locked out of your residence. Here's the run-down on what to do if you find yourself stuck without your prox card.
From Jim Sturdivant
12 plays
Temple University Lewis Katz School of Medicine Information SessionMaria Zimmerman, Director of Admissions at LKSOM will join us to talk about the medical program and what they're looking for in future trainees. Learn about Lewis Katz School of Medicine
From HPA Health Professions Advising
156 plays
Bookings for Faculty - Opening Unique Blocks of TimeThis video outlines the steps needed to open up unique blocks of time for an appointment type (like Advising Hours) in Microsoft Bookings.
From Amy Such
37 plays