Search for tag: "reading"
Everyday Bible Study in Late Medieval AshkenazThis video presents the portrayal of Bible study from a will written by Eliezer ben Shmuel HaLevi of Mainz in 1357. Bible study was integral to Jewish life and identity in medieval Ashkenaz, even…
From Laura Morreale
18 plays
Friends of PUL Small Talk: Molly Manning "When Books Went to War"During World War II, while Nazis were banning books and issuing rampant propaganda, the U.S. countered by sending millions of books to American troops in the field. These pocket-sized paperbacks, as…
From PU Princeton University Library
33 plays
FPUL Small Talk Jan 2024 Christie Henry "The Evolution of the Reader"The Friends of PUL host Christie Henry, Director of Princeton University Press, for an insightful discussion around “The Evolution of the Reader.” The book has been described as one of…
From PU Princeton University Library
45 plays
Gauss Seminar in Criticism: "The Practice of Learning Du Bois"Gauss Seminar in Criticism Spring 2023 will be presented by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, University Professor in the Humanities at Columbia University. Her visit, under the general title, “The…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
91 plays
American Acequias: New Mexicans and National Belonging, Jacquelyn M. Davila, UG '22 (3945831)Acequias are gravity-fed irrigation ditches managed by communities of farmers called parciantes. At the turn of the seventeenth century, colonial Spanish settlers introduced acequias into the arid…
From Research Princeton Research Day
93 plays
A close look at language proficiency in post-secondary programs: Research and implicationsAbbott et al’s (2013) final report on the Languages for All? initiative describes a vision in which every student in the country would have access to language learning opportunities in the U.S.…
From PC Princeton Center for Language Study
10 plays
FPUL Fall Dinner Fintan O'Toole October 24, 2021Friends of Princeton University Library host their annual fall dinner on October 24, 2021, with featured speaker Fintan O'Toole, acclaimed author; Leonard L. Milberg ‘53 Visiting Professor…
From PU Princeton University Library
130 plays
Managing Your Reading Assignments More Effectively & EfficientlyReading intensive courses like HUM 250 (WOK) at Princeton are quite demanding--requiring you to read and learn from challenging texts in new and different ways. In this workshop learn strategies and…
From Nic Voge
57 plays
February 19, 2021 McGraw Workshop:Time Management Strategies: Creating a Structured AND Flexible RoutineTry out proven practical techniques and tools for managing your days and weeks. Develop course-specific weekly learning cycles so that you can manage time, allocate tasks, and learn efficiently in…
From Nic Voge
80 plays
Clerk's Tale-Sita's RamayanaA video by Moira Fitzgibbons for use on the Middle Ages for Educators site.
From Jonathan Henry
85 plays