Search for tag: "library"
Friends of PUL Small Talk Renate Kosinski: “Christine de Pizan from Venice to Paris to Princeton: The Trajectory of a Medieval Writer and Entrepreneur”The Friends of PUL’s own Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski reveals the story of Venice-born French writer Christine de Pizan (c. 1364-c. 1430). Raised in an intellectual milieu – her father was…
From PU Princeton University Library
37 plays
LibAnswers_Showcase_May_2024Springshare's LibAnswers is the platform we use at PUL to receive and respond to patron emails, communicate in real time with patrons through Chat, record our public service desk statistics, and…
From PU Princeton University Library
5 plays
Humanistic Design Speaker Series: "Libraries as Design Ecology"In an age when public institutions are under threat, what might we learn about them, and what forms of resistance might we cultivate, by recognizing them as design ecologies that embody and affect…
From kellerconference Keller Center Videoconference
1 plays
SSII Intern: Vitus Larrieu '26Follow Vitus Larrieu along on his day in his summer internship with Pensacola MESS Hall. Vitus has been able to serve his community and learn more about the world of education and…
From Center Center for Career Development
63 plays
Friends of PUL Small Talk: Molly Manning "When Books Went to War"During World War II, while Nazis were banning books and issuing rampant propaganda, the U.S. countered by sending millions of books to American troops in the field. These pocket-sized paperbacks, as…
From PU Princeton University Library
33 plays
Introduction to Zoroastrian ManuscriptsThis short introduction to Zoroastrian manuscripts will briefly touch on the origins of the Zoroastrian religion, as well as key texts and languages associated with it.
From Jeremy Stitts
38 plays
How to Save the Humanities: Re-Centering the Historical RecordFriends of Princeton University Library 2023 Fall Dinner After-dinner speaker: Michael F. Suarez, S.J., Director, Rare Book School
From PU Princeton University Library
39 plays
Penn Library's LJS 57 - Astronomical anthology (Video Orientation)Video Orientation to the University of Pennsylvania Library's LJS 57 - Astronomical anthology. A collection of astronomical texts, including a copy of a treatise on the calendar originally…
From Albert Kohn
100 plays
2023 Gillett G. Griffin Memorial Lecture featuring Antonio MartorellFor the 2023 Gillett G. Griffin Memorial Lecture, artist, painter, graphic designer, set designer, illustrator, and writer, Antonio Martorell discusses artworks in response to the ills of colonial…
From PU Princeton University Library
107 plays
How to "Open Science"We hear a lot about how open science or the practice of making research products and processes available to all, is a good thing! But how do we actually do 'Open Science'? Join Open…
From PU Princeton University Library
16 plays