Search for tag: "census"

ReMatch+ Intern - Dash Pai

Within-Respondent Alignment Between Single-Choice and Mark-All-That-Apply Survey Measures for Sexual Orientation Advised by:Professor Kristopher Velasco - Department of Sociology Christina Pao (GS)

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From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 14 plays

Bradford Seminar: Developing A Climate Vulnerability Index for Advancing Community Level Climate Resilience

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 2 plays

Are Direct-to-Consumer Farms More Sustainable

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From  kirtid Das 0 likes 2 plays

Placing Domesday's Anonymous Women, Claire Schultz UG '24 (2264438)

Domesday was a "Great Survey" of English landholdings conducted in 1086, following the Norman Conquest of 1066 led by William the Conqueror. This text was digitized and put in CSV form by…

+29 More
From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 25 plays

CITP Distinguished Lecture Series: Alessandro Acquisti – Who Benefits from the Data Economy?

In the public debate around privacy and the data economy, several claims have been made concerning the benefits that multiple stakeholders may accrue from the collection and analysis of consumer…

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From  CI Center for Information Technology Policy 0 likes 11 plays

How to identify the Schedule B number

A Schedule B number is an export code assigned by the U.S. Census Bureau to classify all exported physical products. This system is used to organize exports into general categories recognized…

From  briantc Collins 0 likes 123 plays


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From  PPPL Admins 0 likes 1 plays


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From  Anthony Pizzo 0 likes 4 plays

Assisted Living in the United States: An Open Dataset, Anton Stengel, UG '23 (3954508)

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for information and data about long-term care facilities in the United States. Unlike nursing homes, assisted living facilities (ALFs) are not federally…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 65 plays

Bradford Seminar: "Flood Vulnerable Populations: Who's Exposed And Who Recovers?"

Water and destruction garner the attention in flood disasters, and drive research and policy emphasis on physical processes and built environment impacts. But the main reason we care about floods is…

+24 More
From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 8 plays

Empowering Citizens: The Princeton Gerrymandering Project

This session was part of Engage 2020, the new Princeton University innovation and entrepreneurship conference. In 2021, thousands of state legislative districts and the entire House of…

From  Innovation Innovation Communication 0 likes 5 plays

Census Linking Project Website Demo

Princeton University Senior Research Specialist Myera Rashid walks us through the Census Linking Project Website.

From  Industrial Industrial Relations Section 0 likes 39 plays

Census Linking Project-Relevance to Current Issues

Ran Abramitzky discusses the Census Linking Project's relevance to current societal issues.

From  Industrial Industrial Relations Section 0 likes 22 plays

Census Linking Project Origin Story

Leah Boustan of Princeton University and Ran Abramitzky of Stanford University explain why they started the Census Linking Project.

+24 More
From  Industrial Industrial Relations Section 0 likes 32 plays

Thrive - Luncheon Discussion: In the Nation's (and the City, County, and State's) Service: Civic Engagement in the 21st Century

Moderator: Cecilia Elena Rouse, Dean, Woodrow Wilson School of International and Public Affairs, and the Katzman-Ernst Professor in the Economics of Education Featuring: Andrea J. Campbell…

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 18 plays

The Future of the Puerto Rican Body - Part II of Bankruptcy and Citizenship in Puerto Rico Colloquium (Session 1)

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From  PL Latin American Studies 0 likes 11 plays