Search for tag: "kinds"
Fall 2024 Evnin Lecture with Hideo MabuchiWe are pleased to share the Fall 2024 Anthony B. Evnin Lecture with Hideo Mabuchi, a 1992 Princeton Alumnus and Professor of Applied Physics at Stanford University. A physicist by training, Dr.…
From Princeton Council on Science and Technology
28 plays
Economic History Workshop: "The Uses of AI for Writing Economic History"Artificial intelligence (AI) tools will not replace historians anytime soon, but AI tools are increasingly being used in researching economic history, providing both new methodologies and…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
5 plays
Bradford Seminar: “Justice Considerations in Climate Research”Kian Mintz-Woo, senior lecturer of philosophy at University of Cork, Ireland, will present “Justice Considerations in Climate Research.” This seminar will be held in-person (PUID holders…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
1 plays
Adams, Ryan / Goldsmith, Andrea / Wang, Mengdi - "Introductory Remarks"AI for Accelerating Invention, a new Princeton AI Lab initiative, integrates artificial intelligence into engineering research, developing new technologies and tools to accelerate the process of…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
26 plays
Ayah NuriddinAyah Nuriddin has a Ph.D. in the History of Medicine from Johns Hopkins University. She also holds an M.A. in History and an MLS from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a B.A. in…
From aas21 African American Studies
144 plays
Bradford Seminar: “Planning the Mid-Transition for Just and Sustainable Decarbonization”Dr. Grubert is a civil engineer and environmental sociologist whose research focuses on justice-oriented deep decarbonization and decision support tools related to large infrastructure systems, with…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
5 plays