Search for tag: "ring"


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From  PPPL Admins 0 likes 2 plays

The Swarm Garden: A Human-Swarm Interactive Platform for Self-Adaptive Art, Architecture and Dance Performance, Jad Bendarkawi, UG '24, Yenet Tafesse, UG'24 (F258874D)

The Swarm Garden represents a combination of swarm robotics, architecture, and art, developed through the collaboration between the Self-Organizing Swarms and Robotics Lab and the Form Finding Lab.…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 22 likes 231 plays

"'An Image To Lighten The Soul's Heaviness:' Reflections On Portraiture And Longing In Classical Antiquity"

The concepts of ekphrasis and mimesis have prominently found their way into art historical methodologies that span subdisciplines of the field, generating interpretive models and sitting at the…

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From  Hellenic Hellenic Studies 0 likes 7 plays


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From  PPPL Admins 0 likes 45 plays

Using Light to Build New Drugs: Synthesis of Cyclic Peptides by Photoredox Chemistry, Cecilia Kim, UG '23 (3950214)

The emergence of new diseases, the rise of drug resistance, and the continued prevalence of chronic conditions that remain difficult to treat, such as cancer and Alzheimer’s, create a growing…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 4 likes 131 plays


Ocaml Modules: Part 3: Functors

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From  Daniel Macleod 0 likes 221 plays

Best Practices for Video Production

Would you like to improve the quality of your live or recorded lectures? This workshop is for faculty interested in learning how to raise the level of their online course videos. We will explore best…

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From  OLE Staff 1 likes 136 plays