Search for tag: "swarm"
The Swarm Garden: A Human-Swarm Interactive Platform for Self-Adaptive Art, Architecture and Dance Performance, Jad Bendarkawi, UG '24, Yenet Tafesse, UG'24 (F258874D)The Swarm Garden represents a combination of swarm robotics, architecture, and art, developed through the collaboration between the Self-Organizing Swarms and Robotics Lab and the Form Finding Lab.…
From Research Princeton Research Day
234 plays
Layer-By-Layer Fabrication Framework for Self-Folding Origami for Metamaterial and Robotic Applications, David C. Bershadsky, UG '24 (A8DB0823)This work presents a new technique for the fabrication self folding origami structures for use in robotics and metamaterial applications. The technique builds upon prior work using liquid crystal…
From Research Princeton Research Day
35 plays
Strategic Sacrifice: Self-Organized Robot Swarm Localization for Inspection Applications, Sneha Ramshanker, GS (6B09A63F)Imagine a future where small robotic teams roam our infrastructure—bridges, pipelines, buildings, and satellites—detecting problems promptly, such as leaks and cracks. Teams of robots…
From Research Princeton Research Day
93 plays
Robotic Swarm Inspection for Infrastructure Monitoring, Darren Chiu, UG '23 (2265354)Robotic swarm inspection for structures offers a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solution in comparison to human inspection such as the benefit of being resilient to individual failures,…
From Research Princeton Research Day
101 plays
Robot Swarms for Surface Inspection Applications, Darren Chiu, UG '23 (3958946)Robotic swarm inspection offers a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solution in comparison to human inspection such as the benefit of being resilient to individual failures and simplicity in…
From Research Princeton Research Day
66 plays