Search for tag: "sensitivity"
Meta-Sticker: Metamaterial-Sticker for Non-Invasive 6G Mobile Food Sensing, Subhajit Karmakar, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Atsutse Kludze, GS (5A7C2F1C)Food waste is one of the greatest economic and ethical challenges in the world. Realizing sustainable solutions for food security is one of the major research thirsts for next-generation (6G and…
From Research Princeton Research Day
131 plays
Climate Seminar Series: Convective Self-Aggregation and Climate Sensitivity in a Multi-Model Ensemble of Radiative-Convective Equilibrium SimulationsConvective Self-Aggregation and Climate Sensitivity in a Multi-Model Ensemble of Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Simulations Allison A. Wing Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science…
From Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University
16 plays
Butler Seminar - Michael Mina - Harvard - September 9, 2020“SARS-CoV-2: Can we test our way out of this?” Abstract: The world wasn’t prepared for SARS-CoV-2. The public health infrastructure required to detect and stop global spread of a…
From MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar
43 plays
Early-life autism spectrum disorder diagnosis with nonlinear EEG analysis using machine learning methodsWith the increased prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) comes the challenge of identifying children at risk for ASD as early in life as possible so that they can benefit from early…
From Research Princeton Research Day
91 plays