Search for tag: "setting"

Designing Representative Collaborative Policy Making

From  kirtid Das 0 likes 1 plays

CITP Lecture: Peter Henderson – Aligning Machine Learning, Law, and Policy for Responsible Real-World Deployments

Machine learning (ML) is being deployed to a vast array of real-world applications with profound impacts on society. ML can have positive impacts, such as aiding in the discovery of new cures for…

From  CI Center for Information Technology Policy 0 likes 26 plays

Celebrate Princeton Innovation 2022 - Lindy McBride: Synthetic blends for manipulation of mosquito behavior

Researchers have discovered a specific blend of chemicals that mimics the human odor mosquitoes respond to, which could lead to the development of baits that would attract mosquitoes to lethal traps.…

From  Innovation Innovation Communication 0 likes 45 plays

OURSIP Intern - Yoko Urano

The Digital Aesthetics of Ethics Mentors: Dr. Andrés Monroy-Hernández, COS Dr. Elizabeth Watkins and Dr. Amy Winecoff, Princeton CITP

From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 247 plays

Motivated Reasoning: facts do care about your feelings, Jeffery Chen, UG '25 (3939095)

With America divided as ever, people from state governments to households have asked themselves: "Why can’t we change their minds?" In FRS 193: Belief and Ideology, I researched why…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 5 likes 251 plays


From  english English Department 0 likes 6 plays

What Made UNOW Unique For The Teachers_Victory Chase_CLIP

“And as far as I recall, it was a very happy place. The children were always happy. We all, there was some, I think there was some effort at least in the first semester shall we say, the fall…

From  Matilda Luk 0 likes 67 plays

SICSS 2019 - Four areas of difficulty: informed consent, informational risk, privacy, and making decisions in the face of uncertainty

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 2 plays

Ward, Rachel "Learning the Learning Rate in Stochastic Gradient Descent" May 15, 2018

PCTS "Bridging Mathematical Optimization, Information Theory and Data Science"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 78 plays