Search for tag: "storm"
Alberto Bruzos Toledo Complete Film 2024Bonus film experiment by Prof. Alberto Bruzos created during Princeton in Spain 2024
From Patrizia D'Adamo
8 plays
EEB 522 Seminar Series | Erin MordecaiEEB 522 Seminar Series Colloquium on the Biology of Populations Presented by Erin Mordecai "Global change and the ecology of infectious disease"
From EEB Media
6 plays
EEB 522 Seminar Series - Benjamin Rice & Jamie CaldwellEEB 522 Seminar Series Colloquium on the Biology of Populations Presented by Benjamin Rice & Jamie Caldwell "Tropical cyclones and malaria in Madagascar" & "Global change and…
From EEB Media
7 plays
The Basis of Hurricane-Induced Performance in a Lizard, Princeton Vaughn, GS (C885856D)Hurricanes are devastatingly powerful storms and are only becoming more common and intense as climate change progresses. In addition to billions of dollars in damage each year, these storms alter…
From Research Princeton Research Day
139 plays
The largest movable structures on Earth could save New York City from another Hurricane Sandy, but will they get built?, D.J. Rasmussen (2309867)On the night of October 29th, 2012, Hurricane Sandy ravaged New York City with water levels nearly 14 feet above normal. The storm’s flood claimed the lives of 44 New Yorkers, caused nearly $20…
From Research Princeton Research Day
120 plays
Smart Cities May 2019: Urban Environmental Challenges and Policy SolutionsThis is the eighth video segment from a conference at Princeton University on academic “Smart Cities” research and its potential relevance to New Jersey’s urban centers. With the…
From Danielia DeLorenzo
41 plays
A Musical Conversation on the American Folk Music Tradition (Part 2)A Musical Conversation on the American Folk Music Tradition (Part 2) The James Madison Program is delighted to welcome to Princeton Folk-Legacy recording artist Ed Trickett. Both as a solo…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
62 plays
Lightning Round – Coastal Resilience2017 Princeton E-ffiliates Partnership Annual Meeting Lightning Round – Coastal Resilience Storm surge and rainfall flooding – Abstract Ning Lin Assistant Professor of Civil and…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
45 plays
A Robot's View of Our Ocean PlanetProfessor Josh Kohut, Assistant Professor of OceanographyCenter for Coastal Physical Oceanography, Rutgers University
From PPPL Admins
36 plays