Search for tag: "teeth"

SSII Intern: Madeleine LeBeau '24

Madeleine shares a day in the life of her internship at Temple Emanu-El in New York City, one of the largest classical Reform synagogues in the world. Follow her along in her day as she practices,…

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From  Center Center for Career Development 0 likes 75 plays

Electric Toothbrushing Pitfalls, Rachel J. Kulchar, UG (2276841)

As the most prevalent chronic disease, dental caries, or tooth decay, is exacerbated by inadequate plaque removal. Oftentimes, people assume that electric toothbrushes are a very efficient way to…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 7 likes 141 plays


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From  PPPL Admins 0 likes 37 plays