Search for tag: "wireless"
OURSIP Intern - Christopher RobertsVulnerabilities with mmWave Smart Surfaces Mentors: Dr. Yasaman Ghasempour, ECE Haoze Chen, ECE
From our Undergraduate Research
29 plays
ECE Department Chair VideoProfessor James Sturm, chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, welcomes prospective members of the ECE community and provides a brief overview of activity across the…
From Scott Lyon
649 plays
Securing Your Home Network - It's Not That Scary(InfoSec 201) This session is back by popular demand (offered at Princeton in 2019). Most households have networks of devices linked to the internet. This network often includes computers, gaming…
From Stefanie Clerkin
17 plays
Engage 2021 - 5G, 6G, NextG: Wireless Network Designers Discuss Architecture and InnovationAcross industry and academia, wireless network designers are converging on open and programmable cellular networks to meet the demands of exciting new applications such as video streaming and…
From Innovation Innovation Communication
13 plays
Smart Cities May 2019: Company and City Collaborations to Advance Smart CitiesThis is the third video segment from a conference at Princeton University on academic “Smart Cities” research and its potential relevance to New Jersey’s urban centers. In this…
From Danielia DeLorenzo
48 plays