The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) is a collaborative national center for fusion energy science, basic sciences, and advanced technology managed by Princeton University since 1951. The Laboratory has three major missions: (1) to develop the scientific knowledge and advanced engineering to enable fusion to power the U.S. and the world; (2) to advance the science of nanoscale fabrication for industries of the future; and (3) to further the scientific understanding of plasmas from nano- to astrophysical-scales. As the only DOE national laboratory with a Fusion Energy Sciences mission, PPPL aspires to be the nation’s premier design center for the realization and construction of future fusion concepts. The Laboratory is evolving however, broadening its expertise to more effectively contribute to the economic health and competitiveness of the U.S. by serving as a national leader in computation, nanofabrication, surface science, and technology. Indeed, PPPL aims to drive the next wave of scientific innovation in plasma nanofabrication technologies to maintain U.S. leadership in this critical industry of the future.
This session describes the Lab’s mission and purpose, its research programs, its opportunities from the bench to the marketplace, and its innovations in STEM education.
Hosted by Coleen Burrus, Director, Princeton University Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations