It’s a long journey from a discovery spawned in research to a successful company selling a product or service based on that discovery. In this panel, moderated by Richard Hay Jr. of the Office…
December 2nd, 2021 Speaker
Clifford P. Brangwynne, Ed Felten, Sharon Goldberg, Milan Mrksich Department
Princeton Innovation
Governor Phil Murphy sent a special message to kick-off Engage 2021, Princeton University’s annual innovation and entrepreneurship conference. This year, Engage includes a special focus on…
December 1st, 2021 Speaker
Phil Murphy Department
Princeton Innovation
2021, Princeton’s 2nd annual innovation and entrepreneurship online
conference, will be held Wednesday and Thursday, December 1-2, 2021.
Engage 2021 is intended for faculty,…
November 12th, 2021 Department
Princeton Innovation
This session was part of Engage 2020, Princeton University's innovation and entrepreneurship conference. Welcome to the conference from Rodney Priestley, Vice Dean for Innovation, and…
November 4th, 2020 Speaker
Rodney Priestley (Vice Dean for Innovation), Coleen Burrus (Corporate Engagement), Anne-Marie Maman (Princeton Entrepreneurship Council) Department
Princeton Innovation Location
This session was part of Engage 2020, Princeton University's innovation and entrepreneurship conference. Learn firsthand how to create a successful collaboration, from two very different…
November 6th, 2020 Speaker
Chari Smith (Princeton); Bonnie Bassler (Princeton); Kenneth Carson (HotSpot Therapeutics) Department
Princeton Innovation Location
This session was part of Engage 2020, Princeton University's innovation and entrepreneurship conference. Welcome to Core Facilities programming, featuring a keynote presentation by Craig…
November 4th, 2020 Speaker
Craig Arnold (Princeton, PRISM); Andrea Goldsmith (Princeton, SEAS Dean); Anuj Seth (Princeton, PRISM); Vincent A. Smeraglia (Rutgers, Office for Research) Department
Princeton Innovation Location
This session was part of Engage 2020, Princeton University's new innovation and entrepreneurship conference. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory…
November 4th, 2020 Speaker
PPPL: Steven Cowley, Laurie Bagley, Jonathan Menard, Andrew Zwicker Department
Princeton Innovation, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Location
This session was part of Engage 2020, Princeton University's new innovation and entrepreneurship conference. Hear Princeton's Andrea Goldsmith, new dean of the School of Engineering and…
November 4th, 2020 Speaker
Andrea Goldsmith Department
Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Science Location
During Engage 2020, Princeton University's innovation and entrepreneurship conference, Microsoft President Brad Smith '81 frames a session about the collaborative relationship of Princeton…
November 5th, 2020 Speaker
Microsoft President Brad Smith and Vice Dean for Innovation Rod Priestley, Princeton faculty Jen Rexford, Ned Wingreen and Jake Shapiro; Microsoft's Elizabeth Bruce; Princeton Corporate Engagement's Chip Hay Department
Princeton Innovation Location
During Engage 2020, Princeton's first innovation and entrepreneurship conference, Microsoft President Brad Smith '81 framed a session about the collaborative relationship of Princeton and…
This mini-documentary tells the story of Princeton University's innovation initiative under the leadership of President Christopher L. Eisgruber. This film was produced on the occasion of…
November 19th, 2019 Speaker
Various: Pablo Debenedetti, Rodney Priestley, Jennifer Rexford, Lynn Loo, Bob Hugin, Laura Overdeck, Andrew Zwicker Department
Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations Location
Various on and off campus
This is the eleventh segment from a conference at Princeton University on academic “Smart Cities” research and its potential relevance to New Jersey’s urban centers.In this…
May 6th, 2019 Speaker
Elie Bou-Zeid, Princeton University, Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering; Beth Simone Noveck, Chief Innovation Officer, The State of New Jersey; Professor & Director, The Governance Lab, NYU Tandon School of Engineering; Adrian Mapp, Mayor, Plainfield, NJ; Shelley Brindle, Mayor, Westfield, NJ; Andre Sayegh, Mayor, Paterson, NJ Department
Office of Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations Location
Princeton University
This is the tenth segment from a conference at Princeton University on academic “Smart Cities” research and its potential relevance to New Jersey’s urban centers. In this section, a…
May 6th, 2019 Speaker
Introduction by Spencer Reynolds, Princeton University, Senior Associate Director of Corporate Engagement; Nicole Fahrenfeld, Rutgers University, Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering; Jie Gong, Rutgers University, Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering; Qizhong (George) Guo, Rutgers University, Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering; Jing (Peter) Jin, Rutgers University, Assistant Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering; Alain Kornhauser, Princeton University, Professor of Operations Research & Financial Engineering; Xiang Liu, Rutgers University, Assistant Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering; Thomas Motyka, New Jersey Innovation Institute, Senior Executive Director, Smart Cities Innovation Department
Office of Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations Location
Princeton University
This is the ninth segment from a conference at Princeton University on academic “Smart Cities” research and its potential relevance to New Jersey’s urban centers. In this section, a…
May 6th, 2019 Speaker
Jim Smith, Princeton University, William and Edna Macaleer Professor of Engineering and Applied Science; Ruo - Qian (Roger) Wang, Rutgers University, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Dibyendu Sarkar, Stevens Institute of Technology Professor of Environmental Engineering; Guy Nordenson, Princeton University, Professor of Architecture; Branislav Dimitrijevic, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering; Gregg Vesonder, Stevens Institute of Technology, Industry Professor in Software Engineering Department
Office of Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations Location
Princeton University
This is the eighth video segment from a conference at Princeton University on academic “Smart Cities” research and its potential relevance to New Jersey’s urban centers. With the…
May 6th, 2019 Speaker
Eric Plummer ‘10, New Jersey Market Manager, Lyft; Clinton Andrews, Rutgers University, Professor of Urban Planning, Associate Dean for Faculty; Alison Isenberg, Princeton University, Professor of History; Robert Noland, Rutgers University, Distinguished Professor of Planning and Public Policy; Vincent Oria, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Associate Professor of Computer Science; Warren Powell, Princeton University, Professor of Operations Research and Financial Engineering; Stephen Redding, Princeton University, Professor of Economics; Aaron Shkuda, Princeton University, Professor of Architecture; Luc Deike, Princeton University, Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Maria Garlock, Princeton University, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Elizabeth Fassman - Beck, Stevens Institute of Technology, Associate Professor of Civil, Environmental, and Ocean Engineering; Robert Kopp, Rutgers University, Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Ning Lin, Princeton University, Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Department
Office of Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations Location
Princeton University
This is the seventh video segment from a conference at Princeton University on academic “Smart Cities” research and its potential relevance to New Jersey’s urban centers. In this…
May 6th, 2019 Speaker
Muhammad Hajj, Stevens Institute of Technology, George Meade Bond Professor of Civil, Environmental, & Ocean Engineering; John Higgins, Princeton University, Associate Professor of Geoscience; Niraj Jha, Princeton University, Professor of Electrical Engineering; Franklin Moon, Rutgers University, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Z. Jason Ren, Princeton University, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Andlinger Center; Claire White, Princeton University, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Andlinger Center Department
Office of Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations Location
Princeton University