Search for tag: "computer science"
Analyzing the underlying mechanisms of cross-platform validity for Natural Language Processing-based predictive models that identify mental disorders in social media users, Yubi Mamiya, UG '26 (3995017)Recent, dramatic increases in life-threatening self-harm and hospitalizations of young people due to mental disorders has motivated efforts to preemptively identify suffering individuals and connect…
From Research Princeton Research Day
118 plays
Which Premier League team has the worst fans?, Christian Altawil, UG (3993540)This research project set out to explore the question of which Premier League team has the worst fans by analyzing team chants scraped from a website called fanchants. Using the Python NLTK library,…
From Research Princeton Research Day
81 plays
How much can you gain by cheating in a Tournament?, Sacheth Sathyanarayanan, GS (2277180)A (round-robin) tournament consists of n teams playing all possible matches. A Tournament Rule takes as input the results of a tournament and (possibly randomly) selects a ranking of teams, with a…
From Research Princeton Research Day
113 plays
Who Says So?, Denis Peskoff, PD (3684202)"We imagine you’ve been reading as much about generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) lately as we have, especially the new program, ChatGPT, which some observers suggest might have…
From Research Princeton Research Day
35 plays
Examining Gender Differences in Investor Questions Towards Entrepreneurs: A Shark Tank Case Study, Alison Lee, UG '24 (2262563)Venture capital allows startups to scale and be successful quickly, yet women have historically been excluded from a majority of this funding. We explore the potential explanation that investors ask…
From Research Princeton Research Day
85 plays
What Is Popularity In Spotify Playlists?, Eddie Button, UG '25 (2510273)I was interested in finding a connection between the number of followers that each playlist has and the tracks – and artists – in each playlist. I did not exactly find this connection,…
From Research Princeton Research Day
63 plays
New Opportunities with Voice Controlled Accessibility Software: Federated Machine Learning and Linux Mobile Devices, Colton Loftus, UG '23 (2264753)For individuals with health limitations, machine learning provides a powerful way to create more useful accessibility software. Voice controlled accessibility software is one such example that allows…
From Research Princeton Research Day
53 plays
Do Judges Score Dives Fairly? Analyzing the Contribution of Different Phases to Scoring in Diving, Lauren Okamoto, UG (2270842)Judging in diving is supposed to be as objective as possible and fairly account for all phases of a dive: start, take-off, flight, and entry. However, in practice, it is a commonly held belief among…
From Research Princeton Research Day
271 plays
Investigating Persuasiveness in Large Language Models, Promise Ekpo Osaine, GSWhile the rate of progress and innovation in Artificial intelligence (AI) has many potential benefits, the potential for accidental deleterious effects cannot be overemphasised. It has been…
From Research Princeton Research Day
109 plays
Go with your gut? Determining the value of computation in the game of Go, Owen Travis, UG '24 (2276037)The ability to make intelligent decisions with limited resources is an essential skill for both humans and artificially intelligent systems. In practical situations where time and computational…
From Research Princeton Research Day
148 plays
The Transformation of Light Novels, Anthony Ng, UG '23 and Kurt Lemai, UG '23 (2262522)Through our research, we explore the contents of light novels, a medium of short young-adult fiction novels in Japan, through a dataset of light novel titles of the past 50 years. Through analyzing…
From Research Princeton Research Day
34 plays
Exploring the Decline of Ice Skating on Lake Carnegie through Digital Newspaper Archives, Grace Liu, UG '23 (2267261)As the global climate warms, lakes are expected and have been observed to experience changes in seasonal ice cover. Previous research has observed decreasing freeze durations, but relatively few…
From Research Princeton Research Day
117 plays
Place and the New York Philharmonic, Isabella Dail, UG '26 and Connor Frank, UG '26 (3993941)We analyzed a dataset about the New York Philharmonic performance history from their first concert until present day. The data included information about topics like musical scores, soloed…
From Research Princeton Research Day
53 plays
mmWall: A Steerable, Transflective Metamaterial Surface for NextG mmWave Networks, Kun Woo Cho, GS (2270373)High frequency, millimeter-wave (mmWave) spectrum has emerged in the 5G/6G era as a key next-generation wireless network enabler, fulfilling user demands for high spectral efficiency and low latency…
From Research Princeton Research Day
168 plays