Search for tag: "statements"
On Sunken Land: The Environmental and Social Impacts of the Itaipu Hydroelectric Dam in Brazil, Coley Rose Martin, UG '23 (2272645)In October of 1982, a Brazilian and Paraguayan company known as Itaipu Binacional closed the side canals of the Itaipu hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River in Brazil, launching an ambitious…
From Research Princeton Research Day
246 plays
Investigating Persuasiveness in Large Language Models, Promise Ekpo Osaine, GSWhile the rate of progress and innovation in Artificial intelligence (AI) has many potential benefits, the potential for accidental deleterious effects cannot be overemphasised. It has been…
From Research Princeton Research Day
109 plays
CITP Seminar Jaime Fernández Fisac - Machine Bullshit: Emergent Manipulative Behavior in Language AgentsOur research group is currently trying to shed light on what we think is one of the most pressing dangers presaged by the increasing power and reach of AI technologies. The conjunction of…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
10 plays
ReMatch+ intern - Jessica BriceSummer Research Colloquium Research Summary - Patterns of Language in College and University Responses to the Death of George Floyd
From our Undergraduate Research
34 plays