Search for tag: "features"

Envisioning Automated Glaucoma Screening: Domain Generalization for Deep Learning-Based Glaucoma Classification, Hannah Ulman, UG '24 (B7A45C16)

Rapid advancements in deep learning algorithms for computer vision tasks have produced powerful models that can accurately classify diseases from medical images across a variety of specialties. In…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 57 plays

Racial Bias in Predictive Modeling of Triage Scores, Alexandra Jerdee, UG '25 (07E047BB)

Emergency departments in hospitals worldwide employ triage to determine the urgency of care for incoming patients. Patients are assigned a score that dictates how quickly they are seen. Properly…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 32 plays

The Barriers We Build To Quality Schools: An Optimization Study of Zoning and School Inequality, Olivia Cao, UG '24 (1DA5FB37)

Despite the recognized importance of education, quality education is not accessible to everyone in the United States due to barriers created by housing, which are maintained by practices such as…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 54 plays

Repainting History: A Framework for Subject-Specific Image Generation in Historical Painting Styles, Addele Hargenrader, UG '24 (2B9D81E4)

In the cultural and creative industries, one demonstrated use case for AI is to engage art museum visitors through immersive and interactive exhibits. One such exhibit is the SMK Transformerbot at…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 100 plays

Serosim: Serosurvey Data Simulation R Package, Arthur Menezes, GS (D75FB0BF)

Public health researchers use serological studies to obtain serum samples from individuals and measure antibody levels against one or more pathogens. When paired with appropriate analytical methods,…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 39 plays

Studying Rapid Response & Continuous EEG Resource Utilization in the Hospital Setting, Sharv Dave, UG '25 (7348B209)

Electroencephalography (EEG) is a tool utilized in in-patient and outpatient hospital settings for the screening, diagnosis, and maintenance of neurological disorders including epilepsy. While a…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 25 plays

Princeton Through The Centuries Demystifying Collegiate Gothic: The Many Architectural Styles of Princeton, Bethany R. Villa, UG '26 (132340B9)

You may know of Princeton’s famous buildings across campus, some like Blair Arch, Firestone, the University Chapel among others but have you ever wondered why these buildings were…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 10 likes 133 plays

Fiber Formation Based on Nonequilibrated Aqueous Two-phase Systems, Maria Luisa Parada, UG '26 (751583FB)

Liquid-liquid phase separation is a fascinating and ever-evolving phenomenon that has captured renewed attention, particularly in the fields of biology and material synthesis. Our focus has been on…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 37 plays

Inverse Neural Rendering for Explainable Multi-Object Tracking, Tanushree Banerjee, UG '24 (611179F4)

Today, most methods for image understanding tasks rely on feed-forward neural networks. While this approach has allowed for empirical accuracy, efficiency, and task adaptation via fine-tuning, it…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 5 likes 392 plays

OURSIP Intern - Caroline Weaver

Visual Perception and Attention Advised by: Professor Timothy Bushman; Princeton Neuroscience Institute Qinpu He; Princeton Neurosscience Institute

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From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 34 plays

The Development of a Convolutional Neural Network for the Classification of Drum Sounds, Louis Larsen, UG (2270432)

Music is a universal language, and people can easily decipher between many different types of instruments. While recent developments in machine learning have allowed computers to distinguish between…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 29 plays

Spot the Difference: Using Camera Traps and Coat Patterns to Identify Individual African Civets (Civettictis civetta) and Analyze Image ID Algorithm Accuracy, Catherine Keim, UG '23 (2264666)

Because mesocarnivores (carnivores at intermediate trophic levels) are generally solitary, elusive, and nocturnal, they are very difficult to research. One technology that can remedy this is the…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 5 likes 233 plays

CITP Seminar: Mor Naaman – “My AI Must Have Been Broken”: How AI Stands to Reshape Human Communication

From autocomplete and smart replies to video filters and deepfakes, we increasingly live in a world where communication between humans is augmented by artificial intelligence. AI often operates on…

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From  CI Center for Information Technology Policy 0 likes 4 plays


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From  PPPL Admins 0 likes 8 plays

How to Use MyPrincetonU

Lydia Owens, Pace Center department manager, provides an overview for students with the Pace Center for Civic Engagement on how to use MyPrincetonU.

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From  Pace Pace Center 0 likes 70 plays

Prentice Lecture, Karen ní Mheallaigh - "The Moon and the Map in the Ancient World"

The Prentice Lecture for The Department of Classics

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From  Classics Classics SCAD 0 likes 62 plays