Search for tag: "island"
EEB 522 Seminar Series | Robert HoltEEB 522 Seminar Series Colloquium on the Biology of Populations Presented by Robert Holt "A Kansas Field Experiment with Princeton Roots: Habitat Fragmentation x Succession, 40 years old and…
From EEB Media
3 plays
Bradford Seminar: "Micro-Foundations of Climate Adaptation Governance in Small-Island Developing States"In recent years, there has been a proliferation of cross-national surveys measuring public attitudes about climate change impacts and solutions around the world. However, these surveys rarely include…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
3 plays
Menaldi_Hayy MAFE Video Sept. 2024This video introduces the power of autodidactic inquiry as a way of gaining understanding of both the universe and ourselves by discussing twelfth-century Andalusi Ibn Tufayl’s Hayy Ibn Yaqzan.
From Laura Morreale
75 plays
Having Connections––Roots of the Pare Pare System on Guam, Seyoung Choung, UG '25 (219D978E)“Having Connections––Roots of the Pare Pare System on Guam” seeks to explore the historical roots of the ‘pare pare system’ on Guam, an island in the Marianas…
From Research Princeton Research Day
43 plays
Red Power Takeover: Native American Activists, Colonial Landscapes, and the Design of Sovereignty, Angelika E. Joseph, GS (984FB293)This dissertation argues that the Red Power Movement (1969–1973) was an architectural project for Indigenous sovereignty. Every protest involved the takeover of colonial architecture:…
From Research Princeton Research Day
64 plays
EBB 522 Seminar Series | Taal LeviEEB 522 Seminar Series Colloquium on the Biology of Populations Presented by Taal Levi "Species Interactions Among Carnivores"
From EEB Media
9 plays
A Summer Class Exploring Computer Science with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students ISLAND 2023The purpose of this research project was to design, deliver, and assess the content and methodology of an introductory course focused on the block-based coding language, Scratch, for educators of…
From Mary Albert
14 plays
2023 Gillett G. Griffin Memorial Lecture featuring Antonio MartorellFor the 2023 Gillett G. Griffin Memorial Lecture, artist, painter, graphic designer, set designer, illustrator, and writer, Antonio Martorell discusses artworks in response to the ills of colonial…
From PU Princeton University Library
107 plays