Search for tag: "rocky college"

On Sunken Land: The Environmental and Social Impacts of the Itaipu Hydroelectric Dam in Brazil, Coley Rose Martin, UG '23 (2272645)

In October of 1982, a Brazilian and Paraguayan…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 251 plays

Electric Toothbrushing Pitfalls, Rachel J. Kulchar, UG (2276841)

As the most prevalent chronic disease, dental…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 7 likes 141 plays

3D Printing of Complex Materials for Biomedical and General Use, Lauren Ava Rawson, UG '23 (2270891)

Cell-cell connections are far stronger than…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 75 plays

Quantum Photonic Transformer (QPT), Alkin Kaz, UG '23 (2262501)

You might have wondered what underlying mechanism…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 133 plays

TangoSec: a performant dance across the public Internet, Benjamin Herber, GS (2263723)

Modern applications have strict network…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 69 plays

Violence, Ethics, and Social Media, Jeffery Chen, UG '25 (2765310)

For many of us, social media is an integral part…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 75 plays

Do Judges Score Dives Fairly? Analyzing the Contribution of Different Phases to Scoring in Diving, Lauren Okamoto, UG (2270842)

Judging in diving is supposed to be as objective…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 271 plays

Nordic NATO Expansion and the Arctic Security Dilemma, Riley M. Owen, UG '23 (2986829)

Since the conclusion of the Cold War, the notion…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 207 plays