Search for tag: "patterns"
Toettcher, Jared - "A.I. for Probing and Controlling Biological Systems"AI for Accelerating Invention, a new Princeton AI Lab initiative, integrates artificial intelligence into engineering research, developing new technologies and tools to accelerate the process of…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
32 plays
ReMatch+ Intern - Jasin CekinmezAnalyzing the Completeness of National Administrative Databases to Create a Hedonic Model Advised by:Patrick Sharkey, Sociology and SPIA Angela Li, Sociology and Social Policy
From our Undergraduate Research
22 plays
The Swarm Garden: A Human-Swarm Interactive Platform for Self-Adaptive Art, Architecture and Dance Performance, Jad Bendarkawi, UG '24, Yenet Tafesse, UG'24 (F258874D)The Swarm Garden represents a combination of swarm robotics, architecture, and art, developed through the collaboration between the Self-Organizing Swarms and Robotics Lab and the Form Finding Lab.…
From Research Princeton Research Day
231 plays
Textual and Critical Analysis of a Video Game Series Through Interactive Data Visualization, Tri Giao Vu Dinh, UG '24 (DD456A5A)In this project, I combine quantitative, statistical, and algorithmic methods from different disciplines of study to perform critical analysis on the in-game textual content of the Fire Emblem video…
From Research Princeton Research Day
33 plays
FutureFlow: A Deep Learning Approach to Short-Term Wind Gust Prediction and Control, Dylan Epstein-Gross, UG '25 (BFB85A86)My project explores the application of various deep learning methods to the problem of short-term wind gust prediction central to wind-aware control on real-world quadrotors, a ubiquitous issue for…
From Research Princeton Research Day
65 plays
Toni Morrison Lectures with Farah Jasmine Griffin - 03/30/23ON THE FAR SIDE: GLOBALIZATION IN MORRISON'S WORLD Held over three days March 28 – March 30th, the Toni Morrison Lectures are held bi-annually and spotlight the new and exciting work of…
From aas21 African American Studies
28 plays
OURSIP Intern - Maria Luisa ParadaFiber Formation Based on Nonequilibrated Aqueous Two-phase Systems Advised by: Prof. Howard Stone, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Niki Abbasi, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
From our Undergraduate Research
32 plays
Human Attention Judgement and the Attention Schema Theory of Consciousness, Kathryn T. Farrell, UG '25 and Sarah C. Kimmel, UG '24 (2770632)Princeton’s Attention Judgment study aims to investigate the ability of the human brain to predict and model the attention of others. Our work is centered around the Attention Schema Theory of…
From Research Princeton Research Day
132 plays
Spot the Difference: Using Camera Traps and Coat Patterns to Identify Individual African Civets (Civettictis civetta) and Analyze Image ID Algorithm Accuracy, Catherine Keim, UG '23 (2264666)Because mesocarnivores (carnivores at intermediate trophic levels) are generally solitary, elusive, and nocturnal, they are very difficult to research. One technology that can remedy this is the…
From Research Princeton Research Day
233 plays
EEB 522 Seminar Series- Jonathan LevineJonathan Levine - Princeton University“Species coexistence in complex communities”
From EEB Media
173 plays
Migratory flight on the Pacific Flyway: strategies and tendencies of wind drift compensation, Patrick_Newcombe_Video - Patrick Newcombe, UG '25 (2768215)Applications of remote sensing data to monitor bird migration usher a new understanding of magnitude and extent of movements across entire flyways. Millions of birds move through the western USA, yet…
From Research Princeton Research Day
194 plays
OURSIP Intern - Alaina JobyGene Clustering Cells in the Kupffer's Vesicle of the Zebrafish Embryo
From our Undergraduate Research
21 plays
ReMatch+ Intern - CeciliaQuirkErosion Percolation: simulations of particle erosion and deposition in 2D porous media
From our Undergraduate Research
8 plays