Search for tag: "process"
Maximizing Your Letters of Recommendation for Health Professions School - HPA Applicant Seminar for 2026 MatriculationWe will provide tips on identifying writers, asking for letters, and other logistics of the recommendation letter process for professional school applications. VIEW SLIDES
From HPA Health Professions Advising
12 plays
HPA Applicant Information Session for 2026 MatriculationThis session will cover the HPA preapplication and committee letter process and the medical/dental application timelines. All students and alumni who intend to apply for admission to medical or…
From HPA Health Professions Advising
37 plays
CITP Seminar Steven Kelts - Agile Ethics: Preliminary Evidence of Improvements in Ethical Decision-making Through SimulationsResponsible tech development frameworks often urge technologists to anticipate potential harms of their product, include the voices of affected stakeholders, reflect on the values inherent in their…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
0 plays
Fall 2024 Evnin Lecture with Hideo MabuchiWe are pleased to share the Fall 2024 Anthony B. Evnin Lecture with Hideo Mabuchi, a 1992 Princeton Alumnus and Professor of Applied Physics at Stanford University. A physicist by training, Dr.…
From Princeton Council on Science and Technology
27 plays
Sophomore Early Assurance ProgramsInterested in applying to medical school as a sophomore? Learn more about the programs Princeton is affiliated with, selection criteria, and hear from students who have participated recently. VIEW…
From HPA Health Professions Advising
31 plays
P*Law Election Hazards PanelAmerican elections have faced stark challenges in recent cycles, from shifting rules governing voting and election administration to threats of foreign interference, disinformation, political…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
7 plays
Sengupta, Kaushik - "Designing Intelligent Chips Intelligently"AI for Accelerating Invention, a new Princeton AI Lab initiative, integrates artificial intelligence into engineering research, developing new technologies and tools to accelerate the process of…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
23 plays
Virtual Artist and Curators Conversation: Phoebe Cummings, Susannah Baker-Smith, and Susan BrightJoin the artist Phoebe Cummings, together with curators Susannah Baker-Smith and Susan Bright, for a virtual discussion of Cummings’s short films Towards a Flower, which are featured in the…
From puamlive Princeton University Art Museum Online
26 plays
OURSIP Intern - Aaysh SharmaDifferentiable Stochastic PDE Solvers for PDE Constrained Optimization Advised by:Prof. Ryan Adams Computer Science Dr. Eder Medina Computer Science
From our Undergraduate Research
36 plays