Search for tag: "consensus"
DeCenter Seminar Series: "The Data Socket - A Canonical Construct for Web 3 and the Coding to Enable It"Abstract: The success of Web 2 has relied on powerful abstractions and their realization. That of Web 3 requires the same. In Web 2, TCP/IP mimics a virtual dedicated link between nodes, while…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
3 plays
The Rise and Fall of the Judeo-Christian ConsensusCatholics, Protestants, and Jews are not well known for getting along; throughout the twentieth century, however, Americans of all three faiths formed a religious consensus that rested on a shared…
From Evelyn Behling
82 plays
(2) Collective Behavior, Social Media, and Systemic Risk - Day 1(2) Collective Behavior, Social Media, and Systemic Risk - Day 1 Princeton University August 17, 2018
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
10 plays
The Only True Sovereign of A Free People? The Problem of Majority Rule in Madison, Calhoun, and LincolnJames H. Read, Professor of Political Science; Joseph P. Farry, Professor of Public Policy, College of St. Benedict and St. John's University of Minnesota
From JMP Media
14 plays