Search for tag: "newspaper"
Exploring the Decline of Ice Skating on Lake Carnegie through Digital Newspaper Archives, Grace Liu, UG '23 (2267261)As the global climate warms, lakes are expected and have been observed to experience changes in seasonal ice cover. Previous research has observed decreasing freeze durations, but relatively few…
From Research Princeton Research Day
113 plays
ReMatch+ Intern - Cataleya JiangThe Dynamic Effects of Advertisements on Historical American Newspaper Readership and Electoral Politics.
From our Undergraduate Research
84 plays
Karolen Eid - 2021 Journalism Senior ColloquiumKarolen Eid '21 presents her certificate project, "Staying Afloat: The Future of Funding for Local Journalism," during the Program in Journalism's third annual Senior Colloquium. …
From Margo Bresnen
34 plays
Theorizing and Teaching African Digital Humanities - Princeton African Humanities Colloquium 2020Panel One of the Princeton African Humanities Colloquium 2020: Theorizing and Teaching African Digital Humanities Speakers: James Yeku – The University of KansasHlonipha Mokoena –…
From Jack Allen
43 plays
Trust Us? Journalism In a Time of Doubt and DisinformationThe Program in Journalism invites you to join renowned journalists and scholars as they embark on an interdisciplinary exploration of how to build trust in the news media. This signature event is…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
53 plays
Mexico's 2018 Elections: To What Extent Have The Decisions of the High Chamber of the TEPJF Enchanced Electoral Integrity in the 2017-2018 Elections in Mexico?Reyes Rodriguez, Justice of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF)
From PL Latin American Studies
8 plays