Search for tag: "vector"

Using Semantic Vectors to Uncover Nuance and Better Understand Ancient Roman Texts and Culture, Natalia Tam, UG '25 (4391AAA4)

Latin is difficult for machines to translate due to the language being highly inflectional and overlapping word forms frequently creating ambiguity. Even with the help of dedicated human translators,…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 108 plays

Longo, Roberto, March 20, 2024, "Bounds for local entropy"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 6 plays

Hartnoll, Sean, March 18, 2024, "Arithmetic Chaos in an AdS Black Hole Interior"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 15 plays

OURSIP Intern - Caitlin Wang

Modeling Predictive Process in the Brain with Variational Autoencoders (VAE) Advised by: Prof. Tim Buschman, Princeton Neuroscience InstituteSeth Akers-Campbell, Princeton Neuroscience Institute…

From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 33 plays

OURSIP Intern- Olivia Taylor

Amplifying Viral Sequences to Identify Cell-type Specific Enhancers Advised by: Prof. Fenna Krienen, Princeton Neuroscience InstituteLakme Caceres, Princeton Neuroscience Institute

From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 26 plays

How do we know what we know? -- as a mathematical question. Designing knowledge assumptions and asymmetric encryption schemes in lattice-based cryptography., Yuxi Zheng, UG '23 (2279885)

Assumptions of various hard problems are essential in modern cryptography. There is a group of assumptions known as the “knowledge assumptions.” They assume that in order for the…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 4 likes 87 plays

Do Judges Score Dives Fairly? Analyzing the Contribution of Different Phases to Scoring in Diving, Lauren Okamoto, UG (2270842)

Judging in diving is supposed to be as objective as possible and fairly account for all phases of a dive: start, take-off, flight, and entry. However, in practice, it is a commonly held belief among…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 269 plays

Jimenez-Rosales, Alejandra, February 10, 2023, "Modeling Polarisation Signatures of Sgr A* Flares at Event Horizon Scales"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 9 plays

How Does ChatGPT Work? An Overview of Large Language Models (Part 1 of 3)

Speakers: Ameet Deshpande and Alexander Wettig, Computer Science Department, Princeton University This presentation gives an overview of the key technologies behind ChatGPT with a discussion of…

From  jdh4 Halverson 1 likes 520 plays

CITP Seminar- Katrina Ligett - Data Privacy is Important, but it’s not Enough

Our current data ecosystem leaves individuals, groups, and society vulnerable to a wide range of harms, ranging from privacy violations to subversion of autonomy to discrimination to erosion of…

From  CI Center for Information Technology Policy 0 likes 9 plays

Building a Tool for Chronicling America: Flexibility and Efficiency in Digital Humanities, Nobline Yoo, UG '23 (3967151)

Digital humanities is at the interface between humanistic studies and computational power. Hence, when building tools in this space, we need to consider, firstly, the humanities scholar who desires…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 30 plays

Analyzing Racial Bias Trends in the Text of US Legal Opinions, Rohan Jinturkar, UG '23, (3964430)

Racial bias remains pervasive in American society, and there are many instances of such discrimination in the legal system. However, it is unclear if such bias also exists in the text of judge…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 12 likes 61 plays


From  PPPL Admins 0 likes 17 plays


From  PPPL Admins 0 likes 29 plays


From  PPPL Admins 0 likes 26 plays

Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, Topological Magneto-electric Effect and Orbital Magnetism

Allan H. MacDonald - The University of Texas at Austin

From  prz prz-media 0 likes 59 plays