Search for tag: "hand"
CITP Seminar: Parastoo Abtahi – Perceptual Manipulations in the Era of Spatial ComputingComputing is increasingly distributed and situated in the physical spaces around us, no longer bound to two-dimensional screens. Wearable devices, such as virtual reality (VR) headsets and AI-powered…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
0 plays
ReMatch+ Intern - Jack ThompsonStrange Loops in Attention Schema Theory Advised by:Michael Graziano, Princeton Neuroscience Institute Kirsten Ziman, Princeton Neuroscience Institute
From our Undergraduate Research
18 plays
OURSIP Intern — James JunPhotocrosslinked Hydrogel Scaffolds for Axon Regeneration After Injury Advised by: Jason Puchalla, Department of Physics
From our Undergraduate Research
67 plays
Set-up Concur ProfileIn this task, we will review how to set-up your Concur profile.
From Allison Petito
19 plays
Automating Photomask Design: Coupled Ring Quantum Cascade Lasers, Rosy Monaghan, UG '24 (66EBF7FE)Quantum cascade lasers are a type of semiconductor laser that operate in the mid to far infrared region. Due to their unique properties, such as compact design, fast recovery gain time and operation…
From Research Princeton Research Day
123 plays
Public Elementary Teaching in NJ: A Portrait of An Occupation in Crisis , Grace Coller, UG '26 (E7868335)With efforts being made at the national, state and local levels, through legislative and executive means, to address the teacher labor shortage, why is the shortage so persistent? Many scholars…
From Research Princeton Research Day
74 plays
Join(t)ing the Past and Present: The History, Construction, and Structural Properties of the Traditional Japanese Daimochi Tsugi Timber Joint, Akaneh Wang, UG '24 (7BC529DA)Heritage structures serve as a record of the past and symbolize enduring connections between a community’s culture and history. While historical Japanese timber joints built by miyadaiku…
From Research Princeton Research Day
36 plays
The Science of Science Communication: Are Explanations with Jargon Considered Better or Worse?, Francisco Cruz, GS (9288DB1D)As we learn more about the world, it becomes impossible to master everything that is known. People have to specialize in one area and consult experts for information on other domains. But how can…
From Research Princeton Research Day
68 plays
Diwali at the Chapel (11.4.2023)Inaugurated in 2008, Diwali at the Chapel has since become the university's largest and grandest celebration of Diwali on campus. Each year, more than 500 people-students, faculty, staff and…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
8 plays
Penn Library's LJS 57 - Astronomical anthology (Video Orientation)Video Orientation to the University of Pennsylvania Library's LJS 57 - Astronomical anthology. A collection of astronomical texts, including a copy of a treatise on the calendar originally…
From Albert Kohn
118 plays