Search for tag: "transportation"

Mellon Forum - April 10th

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 3 plays


From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 4 plays

TigerSafe Reel 1: Getting Around

Do you have the TigerSafe app, the official safety app of Princeton University? This month we'll be posting reels highlighting some cool features in the ap. Today we feature real-time bus…

From  Jim Sturdivant 0 likes 9 plays

Off Campus Transportation Service Request

Request Charter Bus or off campus transportation from Transportation and Parking Services

From  ces Conference and Event Services 0 likes 11 plays

EMS Tutorial - Add TPS to Space Request

Add a request for Transportation and Parking Services to your EMS Reservation request.

From  ces Conference and Event Services 0 likes 21 plays

GCEPS Reunions Talk (5.26.23)

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 6 plays

Revolutionizing Clean Energy: How IG Processed Superconducting Super Magnets Could Save the Planet, Sushma Miryala, UG '25 (2771013)

The consequences of global warming are being felt worldwide, and rising temperatures are having catastrophic effects through the forms of heatwaves, floods, wildfires, sea level rises, droughts, and…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 10 likes 146 plays

Meet Lydia Owens

Lydia Owens is the department manager for the Pace Center.

From  Pace Pace Center 0 likes 112 plays

Meet Elsie Sheidler

Elsie Sheidler is an associate director at the Pace Center and oversees the center's operations team.

From  Pace Pace Center 0 likes 127 plays


From  PPPL Admins 0 likes 5 plays

Leaving the life: Exiting a violent social network amidst changing gang landscapes, Megan Kang, G2 (3957014)

Leaving the life of the streets involves personal and social considerations. This paper explores the social dynamics of desistance from crime – what it means to leave behind one’s gang as…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 39 plays

Public and private transportation in Chinese cities: Impacts of population size, city wealth, urban typology, and the built environment, Xiangwen Fu, G4 (3954227)

The development of urban transportation is affected by population size, city wealth, urban typology, and the built environment and has significant implications for urban sustainability. We analyze…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 25 plays


From  PPPL Admins 0 likes 153 plays

Engage 2021 - The Future of Mobility: Decarbonizing Transportation for Net-Zero 2050

Moving towards net-zero carbon emissions in the transportation sector presents a number of technology opportunities and bottlenecks. In this session, moderator Vanessa Chan, director of the…

From  Innovation Innovation Communication 0 likes 52 plays

PUEA 2021 Conference Day 2: Panel 6 - Smart Cities and Designing Just Urban Systems

From  puea Undergraduate Energy Association 0 likes 3 plays

ACEE Highlight Seminar: "The Future of Electric Cars: How Do We Charge Them Up? Do They Really Bring Benefits?"

The shift to more electric cars and transportation brings opportunities for control, extreme performance, energy reduction and flexibility, cheaper operation, and lower emissions. Customers see…

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 6 plays