Search for tag: "jersey"
Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine Student PanelMedical students from Rowan-Virtua SOM will join us to talk about why they chose Rowan and their experiences at the medical school. John Nwafor, Admissions Recruiter, will be on hand to answer…
From HPA Health Professions Advising
74 plays
Trenton's Stacy Park - From Urban Renewal to Community Reinvestment; Austin J. Edwards, Esq., GS (4088143)Once a beautiful green park space connecting Trenton residents to the Delaware River, former Stacy Park became a six-lane highway during the 1960’s period of “urban renewal” even…
From Research Princeton Research Day
57 plays
Opening Minds to Close the Gap: Shifting Attributions for the Achievement Gap in Education to Foster Support for a Progressive Education Policy, Ryan Champeau, UG '23 (2264510)Scholars have evaluated policies aimed at addressing racial and socioeconomic achievement gaps in education. However, few studies have looked at how voters themselves perceive the gap and how their…
From Research Princeton Research Day
49 plays
Financial Literacy tax session 02.27.23Taxes can be confusing, but you still need to file your tax return by April 17, 2023. Join us on Zoom to learn what you need to know from an IRS-certified tax professional. This session should be…
From Suzanne Bellan
16 plays
DEI in Innovation and Research - Engage 2022Innovation and related research initiatives will continue to be an important ingredient to the future success of the country as a driver of economic growth, national security, and the health and…
From Innovation Innovation Communication
2 plays
Welcome to Community Action: 2022Sara Gruppo, Community Action Program Director, and Alex Tubridy, Community Action Program Coordinator welcome the Great Class of 2026 to the Community Action (CA) small group experience with…
From Pace Pace Center
324 plays
Facial Recognition Technology in the State of New Jersey: Promoting Resident Privacy through Transparency and Regulation Within Law Enforcement, Grace Zhuang, UG '23 (3963609)Facial recognition technology is a tool that is being used across the country by state and local law enforcement agencies. Within law enforcement, facial recognition technology can be used in cases…
From Research Princeton Research Day
162 plays
HMEI: High Water Line New Jersey "Presenting the Science"The panel discussion “Presenting the Science” will bring together climate experts to engage the public in understanding what scientists project for the future shoreline of New Jersey, the…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
82 plays
PUL Author Talk: "She Calls Herself Betsey Stockton" with Constance EscherPUL Author talk with Constance Escher, introduced by Sean Wilentz, George Henry Davis 1886 Professor of American HistoryThe life of Betsey Stockton is a story of literacy. She was born into bondage,…
From PU Princeton University Library
40 plays
Engage 2021 - State of Innovation: NJ Organizations Leading the ChargeThis session, moderated by Kim Case of the Research & Development Council of New Jersey, focused on funding opportunities for researchers and businesses. It featured leaders from six innovation…
From Innovation Innovation Communication
9 plays