Search for tag: "#prd22"

Facial Recognition Technology in the State of New Jersey: Promoting Resident Privacy through Transparency and Regulation Within Law Enforcement, Grace Zhuang, UG '23 (3963609)

Facial recognition technology is a tool that is being used across the country by state and local law enforcement agencies. Within law enforcement, facial recognition technology can be used in cases…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 159 plays

Optimizing battery storage to maximize decarbonization of China’s power system, Liqun Peng, G5 (3965370)

Battery storage will play a crucial role in integrating variable renewable electricity generation into power systems, yet it is still uncertain how the location, scale and timing of storage…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 54 plays

A New Approach to Coral Reef Management: the Integrative Medicine Framework, Minal Patel, UG '25, (3964747)

Coral reef ecosystems are home to more than 25% of aquatic life and are relied upon by the human population whose dependence on coral reefs has grown in recent decades for food, our coastlines, and…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 56 plays

Urban Tree Cover Monitoring: Towards Environmental Equity and Sustainability, Bhartendu Pandey, Post Doc (3963713)

Urban tree cover is important for human health, wellbeing, and environmental sustainability. However, we have a limited understanding of tree cover distributions and dynamics, and their social and…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 81 plays

Respiratory Illness at the Salton Sea: Analyzing Emergency Room Data, Yvette Olivas Biddle, UG '25, (3964029)

The region surrounding California’s Salton Sea has some of the highest rates of asthma in the state. This has been associated with high levels of airborne particulate matter in the region, due…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 40 plays

Natural Halogenated Methane Production in Mangrove Ecosystems, Niva, UG '22, (3963502)

As a combination of rising sea levels, extreme weather, and groundwater overuse leads to increasing seawater encroachment in coastal areas, it’s essential that we learn more about the resulting…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 5 likes 48 plays

Finding Meaning in Memes, Rachel Myers, UG '22, (3963987)

Internet memes are a rapidly evolving form of communication that typically combines language with other modes of communication to create comparisons. These comparisons may become more appealing…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 5 likes 86 plays

Towards Developing a Closed-Loop System to Optogenetically Perturb Cerebellar Purkinje Cells and Assess Effects on Locomotion in Freely-Moving Mice, Mina Musthafa, UG '22, (3965173)

The cerebellum has long been identified as a brain region involved in motor control and balance. Previously, it had been challenging to study cerebellar control of motor coordination in a context…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 83 plays

Silencing Alarms: Discovering How Viruses Evade Our Cellular Immune Systems, Robert LeDesma, G6 (3964620)

The cells in our body inherently possess an alarm system that can detect when an invader, such as a virus, infects the cell. Unfortunately, viruses are constantly evolving ways in which they can…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 9 likes 204 plays

The Branching Ratio of the η → γ*γ* → 2 (μ+μ-) Decay, Kasia Krzyzanska, UG '22, (3963187)

The branching ratio of the η meson decay to four muons has not yet been experimentally confirmed. While this decay is predicted theoretically, the comparatively large mass of the muons suggests…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 41 plays

Analyzing Racial Bias Trends in the Text of US Legal Opinions, Rohan Jinturkar, UG '23, (3964430)

Racial bias remains pervasive in American society, and there are many instances of such discrimination in the legal system. However, it is unclear if such bias also exists in the text of judge…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 12 likes 61 plays

Polymer Additives Homogenize Flow in Underground Environments, Richard Huang, UG '23, (3964616)

Underground rocks and soil have microscopic pores in them able to hold groundwater. Approximately 22% of groundwater in the U.S. is contaminated, while 50% of drinking water in the U.S. is sourced…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 24 plays

"Time Passes": The Extinction of Joy Williams' Guidebook to the Keys, Noa Greenspan, UG '23, (3964581)

In 2003, short story writer and novelist Joy Williams published the tenth and final version of her guidebook to the Florida Keys. Snarky, acerbic, and obsessed with environmental disaster, The…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 59 plays

“Applicant or Avatar?”: An Explanation of Temporary Behavior Alterations as a Strategy to Succeed in the Gamified World, Jenna Elliott, UG '25, (3965065)

Princess Peach or Luigi? Aspiring psychology major with clinical research experience or trilingual valedictorian with a passion for mental health advocacy? The task of choosing which character to…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 46 plays

Analyzing Experiences with Speech Controlled Accessibility Software and Developing a Solution for the Linux Desktop, Colton Loftus, UG '23, (3943096)

For individuals with disabilities affecting the use of their hands, typing and using a mouse can be not only inconvenient, but also painful. This problem is especially prevalent within the software…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 18 plays

Evolution by Pesticides, Yeraldi Loera, G1 (3958324)

In an increasingly polluted world, contaminants have become a significant threat to biological homeostasis and may be eliciting rapid evolutionary responses in exposed wildlife populations. In 1980,…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 71 plays