Search for tag: "degradation"
Engineering Bacillus subtilis as a Hypersensitive Coronatine (COR) Biosensor for the Quorum Quenching of AHL through AiiA, Arra Ju, UG '27 (6A22E983)This summer, the Princeton iGEM team will be undertaking a synthetic biology project to compete in the iGEM competition this coming fall semester. My proposed project embarks on the global issue of…
From Research Princeton Research Day
77 plays
Layer-By-Layer Fabrication Framework for Self-Folding Origami for Metamaterial and Robotic Applications, David C. Bershadsky, UG '24 (A8DB0823)This work presents a new technique for the fabrication self folding origami structures for use in robotics and metamaterial applications. The technique builds upon prior work using liquid crystal…
From Research Princeton Research Day
35 plays
Ising Model on Locally Tree-like Graphs: Uniqueness of Solutions to Cavity Equations, Qian Yu, Post Doc (3000000)In the study of Ising models on large locally tree-like graphs, in both rigorous and non-rigorous methods one is often led to understanding the so-called belief propagation distributional recursions…
From Research Princeton Research Day
77 plays
Natural Halogenated Methane Production in Mangrove Ecosystems, Niva, UG '22, (3963502)As a combination of rising sea levels, extreme weather, and groundwater overuse leads to increasing seawater encroachment in coastal areas, it’s essential that we learn more about the resulting…
From Research Princeton Research Day
48 plays
Biotechnology for the Sustainable Production of Fuels and ChemicalsPrinceton E-ffiliates Partnership Third Annual Meeting
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
85 plays