Search for tag: "american experience"
Therapy is for Westerners: Inadequacies Measuring Bangladeshi Anxiety & Depression, Imaan Khasru, UG '23 (2267901)Most tools to assess & diagnose psychological disorders are developed in the West via testing on Western populations, and then used on non-Western populations. We assume these tools are reliable…
From Research Princeton Research Day
168 plays
Loving Coral Reefs to Death in Hawaii, Bing Lin, GS (2263815)Coral reefs are both icons of biodiversity and global tourist attractions. By combining web-scraped public Instagram data and aerially mapped live coral cover maps across the main Hawaiian Islands,…
From Research Princeton Research Day
103 plays
Trenton's Stacy Park - From Urban Renewal to Community Reinvestment; Austin J. Edwards, Esq., GS (4088143)Once a beautiful green park space connecting Trenton residents to the Delaware River, former Stacy Park became a six-lane highway during the 1960’s period of “urban renewal” even…
From Research Princeton Research Day
57 plays
ADAMANDI: A Dark Academia Horror Musical, Mel Hornyak, UG '23 and Elliot Lee, UG '23 (2264585)Adamandi: A Latin verb that can mean 'of loving,' but also 'of coveting' and 'of obsessing.' Academia is defined by blurring the boundaries between these concepts, and…
From Research Princeton Research Day
91 plays
Sharps Containers are Red, Tourniquets are Blue: Harm Reduction’s Abridged History and an Ethnography of Contemporary Programs, Chloe Fox-Gitomer, UG (2264839)This project is about harm reduction, a practice invented to help people who use drugs (PWUDs) use them more safely, as well as live healthier, happier lives. Things PWUDs need are identified…
From Research Princeton Research Day
49 plays
Retrieving by Finding Shortcuts in Representation Space, Michael Tang, UG '24 (2272401)Information retrieval (IR) is the task of learning useful ways of representing text documents that allow us to efficiently relevant the most relevant documents for a given query, e.g. by encoding…
From Research Princeton Research Day
94 plays
Uncovering Social Pathways to Economic Mobility for West African Women in the U.S., Danielle (Dani) Samake, UG (2265866)How do immigrant and second-generation West-African women conceptualize and navigate economic and social class hierarchies in US higher education and workplace contexts? I argue that women from this…
From Research Princeton Research Day
52 plays
What Seems to be the Problem? Stigmatizing Language in Patient Medical Notes, Abinitha Gourabathina, UG '23 (2262024)Stigmatizing language in medical notes can prevent a patient from acquiring proper treatment. Reading medical notes containing biased language can influence subsequent clinicians’ perception of…
From Research Princeton Research Day
72 plays
The Frosh Survey, Samuel Kagan, UG '24, Elaine Huang, UG '25, Annie Rupertus, UG '25, and Charlie Roth, UG '25 (2986863)The Daily Princetonian's Frosh Survey is a far-reaching census of Princeton's incoming first-year class, founded in-part by this research team. Each year, The Daily Princetonian sends out a…
From Research Princeton Research Day
154 plays
From Bach to The Beatles: Blackbird’s Transformation, Joyce Wei-Jo Chen, GS (2924225)Released in 1968, “Blackbird” by the Beatles was composed as a response to rising racial tensions in the United States—Blackbird should serve as “a metaphor for the black…
From Research Princeton Research Day
100 plays
“Common Cents”: The Impact of Personal Finance Education Mandates on Adult Financial Behavior, Mindy Burton, UG '23 (2266766)Due to growing financial illiteracy in American youth, there has been a marked increase in states mandating personal finance education in high schools. As policymakers generate educational standards,…
From Research Princeton Research Day
56 plays
Should we fear AI? Rolando Masis-Obando, GS (2276888)An idea that we unfortunately inject ourselves with is “technological determinism” (Paul Adler; L.M. Sacasas) — in a nutshell, what it means is that technology evolves naturally…
From Research Princeton Research Day
74 plays