You might have wondered what underlying mechanism and models does the famous ChatGPT, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) chat assistant employs. The T of the GPT, that is the Generative Pre-trained…
May 4th, 2023 Speaker
Alkin Kaz, UG '23 Department
Electrical Engineering
Information retrieval (IR) is the task of learning useful ways of representing text documents that allow us to efficiently relevant the most relevant documents for a given query, e.g. by encoding…
May 4th, 2023 Speaker
Michael Tang, UG '24 (2272401) Department
Computer Science
Gun violence results in a significant number of deaths in the United States. Starting in the 1960’s, the US Congress passed a series of gun control laws to regulate the sale and use of…
September 28th, 2021 Speaker
Lucy Qin Department
Center for InformationTechnology Policy Location
Ocamls Modules: Part 1: Simple Structures
August 16th, 2020 Speaker
David Walker Department
COS Location
Princeton NJ
Conventional statistical programming languages (R, Stata, Julia, etc.) have long been popular tools in empirical economics research, but they are limited in two dimensions. First, querying a dataset…
April 29th, 2020 Speaker
John Willett '20 Department