Search for tag: "neuroscience"

The Student Dilemma: How Does Stress Affect Learning? Claire Gilbert, UG '26 (0C0AA3FC)

As students, the environment in which we are expected to learn can often contribute to the stress of our everyday lives. Paradoxically, this stress actually makes it harder for us to learn.…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 43 plays

Human Attention Judgement and the Attention Schema Theory of Consciousness, Kathryn T. Farrell, UG '25 and Sarah C. Kimmel, UG '24 (2770632)

Princeton’s Attention Judgment study aims to investigate the ability of the human brain to predict and model the attention of others. Our work is centered around the Attention Schema Theory of…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 4 likes 133 plays

iGEM: Interkingdom Communication, Fatima Sarfraz, UG '26; Ja'nae Gordon, UG '26; Dania Khalid, UG '26; Parth Rana, UG '26; Fatima Sarfraz, UG '26; Sanjana Venkatesh, UG '26; Brian Park, UG '26; Maia Weatherly, UG '25; and Meryl Liu, UG '25 (3993888)

The Princeton iGEM team will be undertaking a project to rewire bacterial and mammalian cells to communicate with each other via protein secretion. Bacterial cells can secrete proteins that can enter…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 208 plays

How are similar objects represented in the brain?, Elita Lee (4413825)

We come across pieces of highly similar information in our daily lives. The hippocampus is known to form nonoverlapping representations of these similar memories to prevent interference. In our…

+23 More
From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 41 plays

Should we fear AI? Rolando Masis-Obando, GS (2276888)

An idea that we unfortunately inject ourselves with is “technological determinism” (Paul Adler; L.M. Sacasas) — in a nutshell, what it means is that technology evolves naturally…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 5 likes 74 plays

ReMatch+ Intern - Dev Patel

Behavior state-dependent motor response in C. Elegans

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From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 140 plays

2021 - PNI Class Day

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From  PNI PNI system administrator 0 likes 79 plays

ReMatch+ intern - Soumya Gottipati

Summer Research Colloquium Research Summary - The PMv and Hierarchy: A Study Across Sexes

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From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 85 plays

Trauma Exposure and Mental Health Outcomes Among Central American and Mexican Children Held in Immigration Detention at the United States-Mexico Border

The current study sought to explore the associations between migration-related stress and the mental health of migrant children coming from Central America and Mexico who were held in United States…

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From  PL Latin American Studies 1 likes 161 plays

Paul Prucnal

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 874 plays

Professor Jonathan Cohen‘s research presentation on “Understanding the Human Brain: A Reverse Engineering Challenge of Truly Cosmic Proportions."

Princeton Professor Jonathan Cohen presented recent research at the University’s Biomedical Data Science Day, focused on combining imaging of brain function (from single neurons to whole…

From  Tracy Meyer 0 likes 313 plays

Professor H. Sebastian Seung‘s research presentation on “Mapping the connectome with deep learning and crowdsourcing.”

Princeton Professor H. Sebastian Seung presented recent research at the University’s Biomedical Data Science Day, focused on using techniques from deep learning and social computing…

From  Tracy Meyer 0 likes 323 plays

Professor Olga Troyanskaya’s research presentation on “Data-driven understanding of human disease."

Princeton Professor Olga Troyanskaya presented recent research at the University’s Biomedical Data Science Day, focused on a deep learning-based algorithmic framework to predict the effect…

From  Tracy Meyer 0 likes 249 plays

Computer Science Chair Rexford highlights Princeton's data science activities and their potential impact on discovery and society

Princeton Computer Science Chair Jennifer Rexford helps open the University's Biomedical Data Science Day by providing an overview of Princeton's core strengths in data science. Those…

From  Tracy Meyer 0 likes 136 plays

Neuroscience in the 21st Century: Brain Circuits, Technologies, Human Individuality, and Autism

Samuel Wang, Associate Professor of Molecular Biology and the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, discusses future directions in the study of neuroscience, child brain development, autism, and human…

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 463 plays

PNI Computing Orientation

PNI Computing Orientation

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From  Ben Goldberg 0 likes 108 plays