Released in 1968, “Blackbird” by the Beatles was composed as a response to rising racial tensions in the United States—Blackbird should serve as “a metaphor for the black…
May 3rd, 2023 Speaker
Joyce Wei-Jo Chen, GS Department
An autobiographical play performed by its author, A. Revathi, a transgender writer, performer, and activist from Tamil Nadu in South India. The play is entitled "Vellai Mozhi--Frankly…
November 17th, 2022 Speaker
A. Revathi Department
PIIRS, History Location
Frist Campus Center
How does human happiness change over a lifetime? More importantly, how can you build a life that results in deep and lasting happiness? Behavioral economist and American Enterprise Institute…
March 27th, 2018 Speaker
Dr. Arthur C. Brooks P20 Department
The G.S. Beckwith Gilbert '63 Lectures, James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions Location
Robertson Bowl 16
A Musical Conversation on the American Folk Music Tradition (Part 2)
The James Madison Program is delighted to welcome to Princeton Folk-Legacy recording artist Ed Trickett. Both as a solo…