Moderated by Tony Williams of the Office of Technology Licensing, this session featured a "real talk" discussion with four accelerators, exploring how an accelerator can benefit your venture, what accelerators are available to startups, nailing the application process and making a match with one.
This session was part of Engage 2021, Princeton University's 2nd annual innovation and entrepreneurship conference. The conference was live streamed December 1-2, 2021. Engage brings together researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, industry, government and stakeholders from throughout the innovation ecosystem to catalyze the transformation of research into innovations that impact the world. Engage 2021 was hosted by Princeton Innovation and organized by the Office of Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations.
Princeton Innovation is the University’s campus-wide initiative to extend the benefits of Princeton discoveries into the world to create solutions for humanity. Princeton Innovation emerges from the University’s commitment to service, research and education.
Session Date and Time: Thursday, December 2, 2021, 9:00 AM-9:45 AM ET
Speakers: Sharon Ross - QED Program Director, Science Center
Ben Solomon - Founder; Managing Partner, FedTech
Christina Tamer - Director, VentureWell
Tony Williams - New Ventures Associate, Office of Technology Licensing, Princeton University
Garrett Winther - Partner, HAX / SOSV
This session was organized by the Princeton Entrepreneurship Council.