Search for tag: "branch"
Who Plays First? Using Game Theory to Coordinate Many Robots, Haimin Hu, GS, and Zixu Zhang, GS (00A963B2)On Monday morning, three auto-piloted jetliners are flying on a collision course. How should the air traffic controller reroute them to avoid collisions and minimize delays? Meanwhile, a fleet of…
From Research Princeton Research Day
129 plays
How to Pollute a Star in Just 2 Million Years Mark Dodici, UG '22 (2986375)Last fall, I simulated asteroid orbits in the hopes of finding a new explanation for a curious phenomenon surrounding white dwarf stars. Here, I bring you through the basics of white dwarf pollution…
From Research Princeton Research Day
248 plays
Plague: From the Late Neolithic to the Black Death - Phil SlavinPlague: From the Late Neolithic to the Black Death Speaker: Phil Slavin, University of Stirling May 21, 2020 In partnership with Climate Change and History Research Initiative and with the…
From Sarah Porter
100 plays
cos326-2020-13-02-rep-inv-setReasoning About Modular Programs: Part 2: Proving Representation Invariants
From Daniel Macleod
209 plays
A New Approach to Seleucid serrated coins: Questions of Reform and Dynastic ContinuityThe serrated (saw-shaped) coins of the Carthaginians, Romans, Seleucids, and Antigonids remain an enigma in the history of coinage. A large reason for this has been the increased scholarly interest…
From Research Princeton Research Day
108 plays
The Constitution in Contemporary American Politics _ A Panel DiscussionKathleen A. Brady, James Madison Program 2011_12 William E. Simon Visiting Fellow in Religion and Public Life, Professor of Law, Villanova University; Matthew J. Franck, Director, William E. and…
From JMP Media
16 plays
A smooth R^3 index for N=2 theories in four dimensionsTalk by Andrew Neitzke at Strings 2014 on June 27, 2014 in Richardson Auditorium
From Omelan Stryzak
28 plays