Search for tag: "cats"

Kalila and Dimna - Kai Le

Fables and Foibles: Kalila and Dimna’s Lessons in Medieval Rulership

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From  Laura Morreale 0 likes 27 plays

Quantum Butterfly Effect, Saumya Shivam, GS (B55FA900)

Interacting quantum systems tend to behave like a random system at long times, independent of the microscopic nature of such systems. This is the generalization of the butterfly effect to quantum…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 46 plays

EEB 522 Seminar Series - Dan Blumstein

EEB 522 Seminar Series Colloquium on the Biology of Populations Presented by Dan Blumstein "Translational Behavioral Biology: A Fearful Perspective"

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From  EEB Media 0 likes 2 plays

Buddhist Practice Theory and Animal Ethics

Abstract: In this talk on Buddhism and animals I depart from the approach taken in the recent book Unfortunate Destiny on animals in Buddhism. I am not going to be analyzing ideological and…

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From  jlegath Legath 0 likes 36 plays

OURSIP Intern- Icey Ai

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From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 67 plays