Search for tag: "conditioning"

Developing methods of measuring Mean Radiant Heat Transfer, Alexander Kim, UG '24 (3958734)

Modern temperature control systems heat and cool rooms and buildings via convection (i.e., air conditioning); these methods are inefficient and are responsible for 40% of US greenhouse gas emissions.…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 37 plays

A Mathematical View of Anxiety, Ines Aitsahalia, UG '22 (3957528)

Nearly 20% of American adults have an anxiety disorder, but the leading therapy for these disorders does not always work. How can we change our theories of learning and threat prediction to better…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 113 plays

Bradford Seminar: “The Role of Extreme Heat, Urbanization and Household Income on AC Possession Around the World”

Rao’s research examines the relationship between energy systems, human development and climate change, including studying equity in energy transitions,and the impacts of climate change and its…

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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 1 plays

OURSIP Intern - Alexander Kim

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From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 15 plays

Cool Buildings with Less Cooling: Novel Liquid Desiccant-membrane Dehumidification and Integrated Radiant Cooling - Forrest Meggers

2017 Princeton E-ffiliates Partnership Annual Meeting Cool Buildings with Less Cooling: Novel Liquid Desiccant-membrane Dehumidification and Integrated Radiant Cooling Speaker: Forrest…

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 190 plays