On October 26, 2022, the James Madison Program hosted a lecture by
Matthew Continetti on The State of Conservatism 2022, based on his
recent book, "The Right: The Hundred-Year War for…
October 26th, 2022 Speaker
Matthew Continetti Department
Politics/James Madison Program Location
Bowen Hall 222
Taking the Measure of Where We Are Today - Is American Conservatism Too Liberal?
Mona Charen, Columnist; Senior Fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center
Samuel Gregg, Director of…
William J. Bennett, Morning in America; William A. Galston, The Brookings Institution; Nathan Glazer, Harvard University; Wilfred M. McClay, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; Moderator: William…
Lawrence M. Mead, New York University; John J. DiIulio, Jr., University of Pennsylvania; Ramesh Ponnuru '95, National Review; Moderator: Adam Wolfson, former Editor, The Public Interest
Professor Ali Ansari (University of St. Andrews) discusses the impact of Iranian-British relations and British political ideology on Iranian nationalists and their concept of ‘nation’ in…
December 2nd, 2011 Speaker
Nolan McCarty, Professor of Politics and Public Affairs Department
Office of the President
April 27th, 2001 Speaker
John DiIulio Jr. Department
John Olin Foundation Lectures on the Moral Foundations of American Democracy
March 22nd, 2005 Speaker
Peter Augustine Lawler, Berry College Department
James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions
October 12th, 2009 Speaker
Ross Douthat, David Frum, Daniel Larison, Virginia Postrel Department
Public Lecture Series