Search for tag: "device"
ReMatch+ Intern - Ram NarayananSimulation and Optimization of SAW Resonators for 2D Materials Applications Advised by:Professor Sanfeng Wu, Department of Physics Joy Zheng, Department of Physics
From our Undergraduate Research
18 plays
The Swarm Garden: A Human-Swarm Interactive Platform for Self-Adaptive Art, Architecture and Dance Performance, Jad Bendarkawi, UG '24, Yenet Tafesse, UG'24 (F258874D)The Swarm Garden represents a combination of swarm robotics, architecture, and art, developed through the collaboration between the Self-Organizing Swarms and Robotics Lab and the Form Finding Lab.…
From Research Princeton Research Day
234 plays
Building the World's Most Accurate Low-Cost Sensor, Ximu Du (Jerry), UG '26, (2BE88C8F)Greenhouse gas emissions affect people from a variety of backgrounds, but only wealthy entities have the means to monitor their communities’ air quality with accuracy. Having a low-cost sensing…
From Research Princeton Research Day
138 plays
OURSIP Intern - Jackson CrockerBringing the Sun down to Earth: Unlocking Fusion Energy Advised by: Prof. Egemen Kolemen, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Dario Panici, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
From our Undergraduate Research
35 plays
Active Grid as Tool for Understanding Mosquito Relevant Flows, Hannah Even, UG '25 (2770463)Mosquitos pose a great threat to human health and the economy due to the diseases they carry which kill thousands of humans every year. The goal of this project was to create a tool that could…
From Research Princeton Research Day
53 plays