Search for tag: "emotions"
Rematch+ Intern - Chloe LauInvestigating Music, Emotion, and Multimodal Effects Advised by: Professor Margulis, Music Cognition lab Natalie Miller
From our Undergraduate Research
38 plays
Emotional Manipulation in the Era of Misinformation: Investigating the Interplay of Emotions, Fake News, and Social Media Algorithms, Anjali Kapoor, UG '24 (EB8536AD)Fake news can have extremely harmful effects on society, such as increasing polarization, instilling distrust in the media and government, inciting violence, andencouraging dangerous health…
From Research Princeton Research Day
122 plays
OURSIP Intern - Zoha KhanDevelopmental Perception of Facial Expression to Identified Emotion: Disgust and Anger Advised by: Prof. Jesse Gomez, Princeton Neuroscience Institute
From our Undergraduate Research
36 plays
EmotionsNet: A modern platform for emotional research, Aetizaz Sameer, UG '25, Tyler Vu, UG '25, Andrew Hwang, UG '25 (2770125)In the fields of psychology and neuroscience, often researchers seek to study the effect of mood and emotion on measurable characteristics -- such as health, willingness to take risks, and other…
From Research Princeton Research Day
63 plays
The Haunted Place, Ally Wonski, UG '22 (3963686)“The Haunted Place” is a visual novel style video game concept which explores Edgar Allan Poe’s works in context to world events and experiences in the 2020’s. This work uses…
From Research Princeton Research Day
58 plays
CITP Seminar- Anjalie Field - Building Language Technologies for Analyzing Online ActivismWhile recent advances in natural language processing (NLP) have greatly enhanced our ability to analyze online text, distilling broad social-oriented research questions into tasks concrete enough for…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
9 plays