Search for tag: "expertise"
ART100 Introduction to the History of ArtPresenting a sampling of different media from antiquity to the present, the course features guest lectures by A&A faculty and Museum staff in their areas of expertise. Different than in…
From Julie Angarone
8 plays
The Science of Science Communication: Are Explanations with Jargon Considered Better or Worse?, Francisco Cruz, GS (9288DB1D)As we learn more about the world, it becomes impossible to master everything that is known. People have to specialize in one area and consult experts for information on other domains. But how can…
From Research Princeton Research Day
68 plays
CITP Seminar: Arvind Narayanan - Five Useful Things to Know About Tech PolicyIn this talk, Professor Narayanan shares lessons learned over the last decade and a half about how to be more effective in tech policy. He will also talk about the resources and opportunities…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
17 plays